sorry for the double post.
but i absolutely have to rave about this.

Sony Ericsson W800i
ooh~ ain't that such a fine gadget?
i'm definitely getting this phone once the price drops.
soooo preeetty! (chin hates me to use the word "pretty", haha)

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Monday, August 29, 2005
sorry for the double post. but i absolutely have to rave about this. ![]() Sony Ericsson W800i ooh~ ain't that such a fine gadget? i'm definitely getting this phone once the price drops. soooo preeetty! (chin hates me to use the word "pretty", haha) ![]() ![]()
Sunday, August 28, 2005
BLISS. weekends are bliss, really. both days were mummy days. =) shopping on saturday and swimming today. i really love spending time with her, no matter how irritating she can get sometimes. no wonder when i'm conversing with her on the phone, she'll always be mistaken for my boyfriend. lol, i have a mother complex. resumed my swimming regime at last. damn, my stamina's real bad after missing out for 3 weeks. the price for being lazy. caught jibeuro (the way home) on channel u just now. a simple show that warms your heart. ![]() the spoilt urban grandson and the patient mute granny. ![]() "i miss you." anyway i'm totally boycotting mu_ee's products. there's this really obnoxious salesgirl who's so rude that she totally turns you off before you can even count to 50. so we decided against buying anything from her at the bugis branch. imagine my mum's and my bad luck when we walked into the PS branch only to see her ugly face yet again. kao. what an evil spirit. i hate her, bleah. i absolutely cannot comprehend why a freshie's nick on msn is: "3 weeks to break! =)" erm, is that good news? IMO, mid-term break is just a camouflage for the terror to come. the mid-term tests and the impending exams. i wish i could advise him but i shall not be a wet blanket. the blissful weekends are gone. back to the fighting. ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
was watching the chinese news with mum yesterday night. the screen flickered to a news regarding laboratory tests to evaluate food safety. and that led my mum to start the topic of my studies. (in chinese) Mum: "Wah, everything is so dangerous nowadays. Maybe you can research on new ways to make food safe." Me: "No thanks, so boring." Mum: "What boring? You're studying that now leh." Me: "I'd never liked it in the first place." as if it wasn't bad enough... to my utter dismay... Me: "You were the one who wanted me to take science in the first place." Mum: "You're being so irresponsible." Me(getting angry): "You were the one who said arts had no future." Mum: "What!? So now you're saying you want to take arts? Then change lah." Me: "......" at that point, angry tears brimmed over my eyelids. as if i'd a choice. now who's being irresponsible? anyone who know me well enough would understand that my passion lies with archaelogy. but why am i stuck here doing something that isn't a close second to my interests? and getting looks that says "science student, so boring." if only i had hardened my wings back then, so that i can fly high and far away to achieve my goals. don't expect too much of me. i don't want to be a disappointment. ![]() ![]() i'm such a bum, really. 3 weeks into school term and i'm lagging behind like a tortoise. rushing deadlines as always. a leopard never changes its spots. i've acquired a new fetish this weekend - paperbacks. brought about from a trip to the newly opened national library. my prizes include: the confessions of a shopaholic by sophie kinsella veronika decides to die by paulo coelho life of pi by yann martel oooh~ really orgasmic reads. i'd advise non-christians/catholics not to pick up da vinci code. i'm not one myself and that is why i'm utterly confused by his 'relevations'. shopaholic made me laugh out loud a lot. though not compulsary, but try to read the series in sequence. i love willy wonka. and i love my sexy johnny depp. sparked off another of my love affairs with chocolate. willy wonka welcome song ![]() ![]() ![]()
Friday, August 19, 2005
i just had to post. some of you probably see it coming. i'm utterly devastated that Junyang was booted out of Superstar. i even cried. so wimp-ish right? i always think that those maniac fans who cried when their idols get booted out are lunatics but now i understand. i sincerely feel sad for him, not as an idol but as a normal guy who has tried hard but failed in his endeavour. for people who follow Project Superstar, you'll know that Junyang was always a sure-in. likewise this week, the whole world (even the judges who gave him an overrated score) thought he would definitely be the male champion. and me the stupid idiot was reserving my votes for him the next week, and haha look what happened? *whimpers* he lost out to Weilian, who is visually impaired. for me, it didn't matter that he lost out to a handicapped person because that wasn't why I was so angry over. why i am angry is because Weilian probably made it because of sympathy votes. to be honest, i was rooting for Weilian even before the top 24 were announced. Why? because I was touched by the fact an impaired person mustered up courage to take part and his singing voice is nice. but after a while, i began to think this is wrong. this wouldn't be fair to Weilian at all because a lot of his so-called supporters are actually casting votes tinged with sympathy. and what's most infuriating is that they refuse to/don't understand that they're indirectly sympathising with Weilian. "don't be so mean to Weilian. you must commend his courage to go this far." i dunno if they're brainless or what but ain't the above sentence tinged with sympathy? why wouldn't you comment that every other contestant also deserves to be commended for their courage? the simple truth: because they're not visually impaired. i know it is not easy for a visually impaired person to contest especially when the criteria of a superstar requires the image and stage presence. i respect him, yes. but i think weilian supporters are too stubborn to change their mindset that they're somewhat sympathizing with him and seem to miss out on the fact that he actually gets a lot of advantages too. being visually impaired 1) naturally increases his "touching factor" (gan dong du) because we empathise and sympathise with him. a simple thing like trying to walk small steps around the stage can already touch people. the other contestants have to work doubly hard. 2) becomes the talk of the town. i'm sure before the elimination rounds, everyone was captivated by "this visually impaired guy" that made it to the top 24. and the topic gets brought up umpteen times in forums, talk shows, papers. singapore being such a sheltered community was protective of him and naturally his fanbase builds up. 3) the organisers bends some of the judging criteria. if the judges wanted to be stringent, which is to strictly base all 3 criterias namely vocals, image and stage pressence, weilian would clearly fail. but we see his scores on par with the other normal contestants because he only gets judged on his vocals. i'm not saying this is wrong or what, just that when weilian supporters leashes back on other contestants claiming "weilian sings better than XXX" i feel like asking them to shut their trap. i think singapore has gone too far with their charitable side. this is a competition for a superstar, not a charity show. i've been displeased with this for a while but i guess when the one i support gets booted out, it triggers my defensive instinct. and i'm gonna make it clear. this entry is not criticizing weilian in any way because this is not his fault. and i'm sure he would never want to win through sympathy votes. give the handicapped the pride they deserve. the fault lies in the hands of idiotic singaporeans. brainless geezers who don't learn from the Durai incident. ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i'm so beat i don't feel like doing anything. seems like the 8am lessons are taking its toll on my stamina. and it's only the second week. how am i gonna survive? i'm so overwhelmed by the monstrous amount of work coming up. and this time, the pressure's on me to better or maintain my CAP. sometimes i really do hate the hard workers, yet i admire them. for possessing the strand of self-discipline that i lack. on a brighter note, sweetie meijun's gotten me 2 paperbacks i've been fervertly pining for. (i love you so much, sweets) da vinci code by dan brown the curious incident of the dog in night-time by mark haddon. i foresee myself gorging up those good reads over the weekend. aside from my paper delights, i've returned to the company of the oh-so-faithful colour box of mine. and meijun, you're not alone. because thou has also fallen prey to the drama that is Stairway to Heaven (天国的阶梯). ![]() yes, STH is utmost cliched. think perfect male lead, suffering female lead, evil stepmom and sis, stupid father, cancer, amnesia, unrequited love. all essential brews of the korean drama. but Kwon Sang Woo oppa is really droolsome for me to pass this by while Choi Ji Woo is the perfect damsel in distress. i'm definitely in the mood for sad tear-jerkers. speaking of which i've been neglecting my excercise regime. (and becoming a couch potato!) i dunno if i should defend myself by saying that i've been worn out or that i should just admit that i'm lazy. i really need to swim. damn my stupid swollen eye. it's that time of the week. so don't think about leaving this site without seeing my shameless urging. ![]() (actually Junyang looks rather hilarious in the picture, lol) ![]() ![]()
Monday, August 15, 2005
fireworks in full glory. *file is archived. contact me if you still wanna see it. i feel so blessed to be able to see colours. ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
school had already started. had js2213 - popular culture in contemporary japan and gem2005 - film and history lectures on monday. i realised they share 2 similarities. they're both FASS modules and are taught by casucasians. they're gonna be my life-savers this semester (from all the science modules, eew). i felt so lost as to what to do during this year's national day. because by custom, we would attend my uncle's birthday dinner but this year, it's being pushed forward to the eve instead. feeling especially lethargic. caught the fireworks at shaw towers but wished i could have been at marina bay instead. bought 4 tops at fox for only $27.80! and that made the rest of my day :) ![]() my view from shaw towers. tomorrow it shall be the dreaded 8am lecture. and did i mention that i hate printing notes? ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
![]() happy 40th birthday, singapore~ the one thing i never fail to look forward to each year - fireworks. i hope we manage to see them later. ok this week i'm early. ![]() please please please, vote for him this week. i read some spoilers and thus i know he really needs the votes this week. just one vote per person would work miracles. ![]() ![]()
Thursday, August 04, 2005
the month of august. means school is starting. holidays coming to an end. i will turn 20 soon. before you know it, 2006 is here. don't you ever wish that time trickles slowly when you're having fun? and zooms past when you're not? recalling the last few days of july. last i updated, it was 26th july. i was tired and whining. 4 days later i was still whining. look at how overworked we were. . . . ![]() nah actually it wasn't that bad. save for friday where i had to hold my pee for so long my bladder muscles actually ached. and i thought i had strong bladder muscles. as much as i don't like the company, i'll still continue to be a DBS girl for the other roadshows coming up. i guess that's just how life is. you don't get to choose. meijun really is such a sweetie. she got chin and me complimentary VIP tickets to John Pizzarelli Live. our virgin jazz concert and i was wowed. i'm not exactly some music guru and am a jazz noobie. but seriously, anyone who doesn't appreciate jazz would have been wowed over too. The John Pizzarelli Quartet - John Pizzarelli(vocals & guitar), Ray Kennedy(piano), Martin Pizzarelli(bass), Tony Tedesco(drums) - had really wicked skills. especially Ray Kennedy. you guys should know how much of a piano person i am. and the way they work the crowd with their music. seriously, it makes me sad to notice that the crowd is older as compared to popstar concerts. i hope the wonders of jazz would continue to thrive under the threat of contemporary music. i absolutely hate the period when the semester is about to begin. of course, i hate the exam period too. but that's beside the point. plodded down to school on monday to settle my module problems. i guess i'd complained enough to everyone i had met so far, but the life sciences department really infuriated me so much. they're just a bunch of discriminants who value the exchange students more, heartless and super inefficient. BAH. tagged along with chin and eleanor to ikea. i just love ikea so much, i wish i could buy everything. seeing them fussing over their new rooms, i wish i could have a room of my own. not that i share a room with someone now but i never got the privacy i wished i had. my parents burst in all the time and ruffle through my stuff. i can't even put a mat for more than 2 days before my dad does his QC, voices his objections and removing it. sighs~ bunked in with chin till wednesday. we actually planned to watch dvds but i forgot they were "made in china" so well, given chin's restricted knowledge in mandarin, it was a flop. we spend most of the time figuring out how to connect to nus intranet and monitoring the cors bidding system. possibly the most fruitful thing we did was to dye our hair. lol. and speaking of hair, i got a new haircut. it's successful, meaning people actually noticed i cut my hair. BUT i think i look dreadful. even with the new hair colour that i like. i think i'm gonna lock myself in. *switching to fangirl mode every holiday, i acquire new obsessions. the show that popped up in my previous entries. ![]() download the episodes and the english scanlations here *coos awww... ain't they such a cute couple? i shall not spoil it for any potential followers so here's a brief summary. The story starts off with the main character played by Rainie Yang waiting to give a love letter to her crush, but she accidentally gives it to the "school bully" who is the "prince" of the school...and lots of silliness ensues. mike aka xiaomei is so HOT. be my devil!!! *nosebleeds and catching the Project Superstar fever, ![]() (i stupidly realised that voting has closed after i made this picture.) he looks average but his voice is great! jane, who happens to be his acquaintance, is also infatuated. we even want to go down to see him at the live show if we have the tics. not convinced? listen to this. ![]() ![]() |
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