Saturday, April 28, 2007

LAJ2201 Japanese 2
LSM3252 Evolution and Genetics
LSM3212 Human Physiology
LSM3244 Biotechnology

LSM4261 Marine Biology

最近都很悲观 应该是笨蛋考试的影响吧
真的一度想要崩溃 四天的不休考试可真是没能盖的
终于能喘口气了 虽然还是对一科没把握 深怕会不及格就不能毕业了

就剩下最后一科了 很期待
奇怪的是我并没有特别的感觉 反而是感到庆幸

两天前接到了一通电话... 接受了我的实习申请
等了两个多月 还以为没希望了 所以就安排了二十天的澳洲trip
正好和实习日期相冲 还好他们愿意等我 :)
会在pulau ubin岛上做些有关环保的东西 对我来说是很有趣的
但是月薪才六百 地点也不是很方便 但开心就好啦 希望如此

可是后来我突然想起了GFC chalet 不能呆全三天了...
还有六月一日的某某活动 那天是我的实习第一天呀 糟糕了
如果错过了 我会超心痛的 T_T

haha i'm gonna terrorize chin with my chinese post^^

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

LAJ2201 Japanese 2
LSM3252 Evolution and Genetics
LSM3212 Human Physiology
LSM3244 Biotechnology
LSM4261 Marine Biology

another down.
i should be feeling glad instead i'm feeling incredibly lousy.

i'm so tempted to blame it on others but in fact,
it's all my own doing.

i made the most important people in my life so tired and worried.
and i'm so scared that i might once again see the disappointment on their faces.

maybe i've never done anything particularly worthwhile in my life.
i'm so useless but they still love me. this unconditional love that i don't even deserve. what i've wanted, they always provide. yet a simple thing they hope for, i cannot even accomplish.

i've really seen for myself the magnitude of their love.
probably no one else in this world will ever love me as much as they do.
i love them too but do i even have the right to do so after disappointing them time and time again.

i'm sorry. i'm very sorry.
can i turn back time?

did this some time back...
这张照片很有意境 很喜欢
刚好那时候GARY的心情不好 就以当时的感觉而加入了这个名言

i should be a optimist for once.

Monday, April 23, 2007

LAJ2201 Japanese 2
LSM3252 Evolution and Genetics
LSM3212 Human Physiology
LSM3244 Biotechnology
LSM4261 Marine Biology

one down.
but it's a tough week ahead with 4 papers spanning from mon-thur.

plus why do i have to fall sick like now?
my erratic cough developed into a full-blown cough peppered with leaky nose.
i feel sorry though for the people that will be sitting next to me for exams... i'm sure the 2 poor souls today were totally disturbed by my incessant coughing and blowing of nose.

sheesh. and i hope man utd can fight hard for the upcoming fixture with ac milan.
ok that was totally out of point haha.

Friday, April 20, 2007

ahhhh the exams are in 3 days' time...
and i'm barely done with my studying. shucks.

humid and lacklustre weather. erratic cough that's driving me nuts. stupid drowsy cough medicine i have no choice but to take. continually distracted with something random and unimportant. huge pile of boring notes and texts to read. no motivation whatsoever.

i had promised myself to be hardworking for this last semester.
promised mum to do well. now that i'll be spending so much money to go Australia, i don't know how to face her if my results end up bad.

i'm such a dreadful person =(

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


i'm lucky enough to finally finish all my assignments, deadlines, tests whatever by today.
and i know of others who still have stuff due later this week.
really, doesn't the school realise that we don't even have sufficient time to study for the exams... and now the deadlines eat right into our reading week. wth.

it's been madness this entire month.
in the midst of rushing slogging my ass off rushing all the deadlines, i even spared (to be honest, sacrifice would be a better word here) some time off to chaw my way to KL.
no regrets on my part but it did cross my mind that if i hadn't gone maybe i wouldn't be so busy.
BUT still it became part of a memory that will live within me for a long time for sure.

and and it's CONFIRMED. affirmative! yay jun and i will be making our way to Aussie Land!
after pondering for ages, we've finally trotted down to the Qantas office to make our bookings. though i was rather disappointed at the e-tickets they issued - mere papers. was hoping for a flashy looking ticket slotted within a boarding pass. dang.
so mark 10th May 1745 Terminal 1 on your calenders if you wanna wish us "bon voyage".

aside from the adrenaline rush left over from post-chawing effect and the anticipation of the aussie trip, one thing that's keeping me on my toes is the man utd matches! we've successfully progressed into semis and finals for Champions League and FA Cup respectively! and still 3 points ahead of Chelsea in the premiership (though this is still very very risky la)... treble hopes still firmly in place! luckily the chelsea vs man utd match will be after my exams so i can watch in peace. hopefully we can win the treble or at least we've got to win the premiership this season. not gonna let the cup go back to some team that's merely put together using lots of buckeroos.

and now onwards to the exams.
i'm not even half-confident if i'll be able to finish studying for everything!
gotta cram 4 modules' worth into just 6 days. is that possible? ><
but i'm feeling majorly motivated... maybe because of mr chaw... maybe because my desk is super tidy now (after half a day's worth of tidying up) with lotsa chaw and jay stuff pasted all over my wall... maybe because it's the final semester? i don't know...

oh ya speaking of the last day of school... bah it didn't felt anything special at all. i was more overwhelmed with all the work and running all over school to make it in time for my classes than feeling nostalgic or whatever i'm supposed to feel. though after the final lecture, i did somehow heave a sigh of relief and somewhat celebrated by indulging in a nice meal at Foster's Cafe Holland Village. other than that, nothing special really...

brrr... ain't gonna think about the prospects of post-student life.
right now i'm just going to take things one step at a time.

Monday, April 09, 2007

thanks so much to mil @ GFC Forum for taking all this splendid pics!
Note: please do not take these w/o permission

^i guess you could count this as taking a pic with Gary? though i would prefer one with just the singapore peeps and him.

^make a wish, make a wish!

^'molest' incident again, lol. it's not me!

^the singapore peeps who went against all odds =)

^We love Chaw, we love GFC <3

Sunday, April 08, 2007

you make my everyday! <3

wahahaha! but i look like shit in this.

259 month old virgo
1 22 N, 103 48 E
The current mood of ankh at


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meet jay&chaw
good luck
happiness :)
lose weight
good results
golden retriever
travel round the world

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Christine: jcnet friend
Chun Jing: our future dentist
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Jane: my lookalike
Joann: the yellow duck
Karmene: my mini grandma
Leeloo: the independent woman
MeiJun: the daydreamer
Sheena : faithful worshipper
SzeMan: the skinny one
XiaoQing: the blur blur one

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