the month of august.
school is starting.
holidays coming to an end.
i will turn 20 soon.
before you know it, 2006 is here.
don't you ever wish that time trickles slowly when you're having fun?
and zooms past when you're not?
recalling the last few days of july.
last i updated, it was 26th july. i was tired and whining.
4 days later i was still whining.
look at how overworked we were.

nah actually it wasn't that bad.
save for friday where i had to hold my pee for so long my bladder muscles actually ached. and i thought i had strong bladder muscles.
as much as i don't like the company, i'll still continue to be a DBS girl for the other roadshows coming up.
i guess that's just how life is. you don't get to choose.
meijun really is such a sweetie.
she got chin and me complimentary VIP tickets to John Pizzarelli Live.
our virgin jazz concert and i was wowed.
i'm not exactly some music guru and am a jazz noobie. but seriously, anyone who doesn't appreciate jazz would have been wowed over too.
The John Pizzarelli Quartet - John Pizzarelli(vocals & guitar), Ray Kennedy(piano), Martin Pizzarelli(bass), Tony Tedesco(drums) - had really wicked skills. especially Ray Kennedy. you guys should know how much of a piano person i am. and the way they work the crowd with their music.
seriously, it makes me sad to notice that the crowd is older as compared to popstar concerts. i hope the wonders of jazz would continue to thrive under the threat of contemporary music.
i absolutely hate the period when the semester is about to begin.
of course, i hate the exam period too. but that's beside the point.
plodded down to school on monday to settle my module problems.
i guess i'd complained enough to everyone i had met so far, but the life sciences department really infuriated me so much. they're just a bunch of discriminants who value the exchange students more, heartless and super inefficient. BAH.
tagged along with chin and eleanor to ikea.
i just love ikea so much, i wish i could buy everything.
seeing them fussing over their new rooms, i wish i could have a room of my own. not that i share a room with someone now but i never got the privacy i wished i had.
my parents burst in all the time and ruffle through my stuff. i can't even put a mat for more than 2 days before my dad does his QC, voices his objections and removing it. sighs~
bunked in with chin till wednesday.
we actually planned to watch dvds but i forgot they were "made in china" so well, given chin's restricted knowledge in mandarin, it was a flop.
we spend most of the time figuring out how to connect to nus intranet and monitoring the cors bidding system.
possibly the most fruitful thing we did was to dye our hair. lol.
and speaking of hair, i got a new haircut.
it's successful, meaning people actually noticed i cut my hair.
BUT i think i look dreadful. even with the new hair colour that i like.
i think i'm gonna lock myself in.
*switching to fangirl mode
every holiday, i acquire new obsessions.
the show that popped up in my previous entries.

download the episodes and the english scanlations here
awww... ain't they such a cute couple?
i shall not spoil it for any potential followers so here's a brief summary.
The story starts off with the main character played by Rainie Yang waiting to give a love letter to her crush, but she accidentally gives it to the "school bully" who is the "prince" of the school...and lots of silliness ensues.
mike aka xiaomei is so HOT. be my devil!!! *nosebleeds
and catching the Project Superstar fever,

(i stupidly realised that voting has closed after i made this picture.)
he looks average but his voice is great!
jane, who happens to be his acquaintance, is also infatuated.
we even want to go down to see him at the live show if we have the tics.
not convinced? listen to this.