i just had to post.
some of you probably see it coming.
i'm utterly devastated that Junyang was booted out of Superstar.
i even cried. so wimp-ish right?
i always think that those maniac fans who cried when their idols get booted out are lunatics but now i understand. i sincerely feel sad for him, not as an idol but as a normal guy who has tried hard but failed in his endeavour.
for people who follow Project Superstar, you'll know that Junyang was always a sure-in.
likewise this week, the whole world (even the judges who gave him an overrated score) thought he would definitely be the male champion.
and me the stupid idiot was reserving my votes for him the next week, and haha look what happened? *whimpers*
he lost out to Weilian, who is visually impaired.
for me, it didn't matter that he lost out to a handicapped person because that wasn't why I was so angry over.
why i am angry is because Weilian probably made it because of sympathy votes.
to be honest, i was rooting for Weilian even before the top 24 were announced.
Why? because I was touched by the fact an impaired person mustered up courage to take part and his singing voice is nice.
but after a while, i began to think this is wrong.
this wouldn't be fair to Weilian at all because a lot of his so-called supporters are actually casting votes tinged with sympathy.
and what's most infuriating is that they refuse to/don't understand that they're indirectly sympathising with Weilian.
"don't be so mean to Weilian. you must commend his courage to go this far."
i dunno if they're brainless or what but ain't the above sentence tinged with sympathy? why wouldn't you comment that every other contestant also deserves to be commended for their courage?
the simple truth: because they're not visually impaired.
i know it is not easy for a visually impaired person to contest especially when the criteria of a superstar requires the image and stage presence.
i respect him, yes. but i think weilian supporters are too stubborn to change their mindset that they're somewhat sympathizing with him and seem to miss out on the fact that he actually gets a lot of advantages too.
being visually impaired
1) naturally increases his "touching factor" (gan dong du) because we empathise and sympathise with him. a simple thing like trying to walk small steps around the stage can already touch people. the other contestants have to work doubly hard.
2) becomes the talk of the town. i'm sure before the elimination rounds, everyone was captivated by "this visually impaired guy" that made it to the top 24. and the topic gets brought up umpteen times in forums, talk shows, papers. singapore being such a sheltered community was protective of him and naturally his fanbase builds up.
3) the organisers bends some of the judging criteria.
if the judges wanted to be stringent, which is to strictly base all 3 criterias namely vocals, image and stage pressence, weilian would clearly fail. but we see his scores on par with the other normal contestants because he only gets judged on his vocals. i'm not saying this is wrong or what, just that when weilian supporters leashes back on other contestants claiming "weilian sings better than XXX" i feel like asking them to shut their trap.
i think singapore has gone too far with their charitable side.
this is a competition for a superstar, not a charity show.
i've been displeased with this for a while but i guess when the one i support gets booted out, it triggers my defensive instinct.
and i'm gonna make it clear.
this entry is not criticizing weilian in any way because this is not his fault.
and i'm sure he would never want to win through sympathy votes. give the handicapped the pride they deserve.
the fault lies in the hands of idiotic singaporeans.
brainless geezers who don't learn from the Durai incident.