weekends are bliss, really.
both days were mummy days. =)
shopping on saturday and swimming today.
i really love spending time with her, no matter how irritating she can get sometimes.
no wonder when i'm conversing with her on the phone, she'll always be mistaken for my boyfriend. lol, i have a mother complex.
resumed my swimming regime at last.
damn, my stamina's real bad after missing out for 3 weeks.
the price for being lazy.
caught jibeuro (the way home) on channel u just now.
a simple show that warms your heart.

anyway i'm totally boycotting mu_ee's products.
there's this really obnoxious salesgirl who's so rude that she totally turns you off before you can even count to 50.
so we decided against buying anything from her at the bugis branch.
imagine my mum's and my bad luck when we walked into the PS branch only to see her ugly face yet again. kao. what an evil spirit.
i hate her, bleah.
i absolutely cannot comprehend why a freshie's nick on msn is:
"3 weeks to break! =)"
erm, is that good news?
IMO, mid-term break is just a camouflage for the terror to come.
the mid-term tests and the impending exams.
i wish i could advise him but i shall not be a wet blanket.
the blissful weekends are gone.
back to the fighting.