was watching the chinese news with mum yesterday night.
the screen flickered to a news regarding laboratory tests to evaluate food safety.
and that led my mum to start the topic of my studies.
(in chinese)
Mum: "Wah, everything is so dangerous nowadays. Maybe you can research on new ways to make food safe."
Me: "No thanks, so boring."
Mum: "What boring? You're studying that now leh."
Me: "I'd never liked it in the first place."
as if it wasn't bad enough...
to my utter dismay...
Me: "You were the one who wanted me to take science in the first place."
Mum: "You're being so irresponsible."
Me(getting angry): "You were the one who said arts had no future."
Mum: "What!? So now you're saying you want to take arts? Then change lah."
Me: "......"
at that point, angry tears brimmed over my eyelids.
as if i'd a choice. now who's being irresponsible?
anyone who know me well enough would understand that my passion lies with archaelogy.
but why am i stuck here doing something that isn't a close second to my interests?
and getting looks that says "science student, so boring."
if only i had hardened my wings back then, so that i can fly high and far away to achieve my goals.
don't expect too much of me. i don't want to be a disappointment.