I hate those people who wants concern showered upon them.
And when it's time to give it back, they keep it for themselves.
Selfish brats!

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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
I hate those people who wants concern showered upon them. And when it's time to give it back, they keep it for themselves. Selfish brats! ![]() ![]()
I can't tolerate such TREACHERY! Selfish idiots! Man U better not make this stupid deal! Whoever gives up Ruud now is a nuthead. How can I feel any happier with all these shitty things happening? All that hostages being sacrificed everyday by the extremists. What is the world becoming? And me, this little shithead, ranting endlessly in this little blog of mine. Like anyone pays any attention. Wouldn't all things end well if the world came to an end NOW? Not like it would make any difference later. ![]() ![]() I'm a self-proclaimed narcisst! Seriously! Look at the number of hits generated by the hit counter. I can safely tell you that more than half of it are generated by myself. And because you guys inflate my ego so much by praising my blog as "cool", I've been caught staring with a satisfactory smile at my blog the whole time yesterday. And because I love my new blog so much, I can't resist writing new entries. Someone, pls SAVE me! Was looking through the tags and I remembered this tag by jane. "yo girl... you blog everyday or what?!?! " Well, this would never appear back in the days of easyjournal. But ever since I've switched to blogspot, I blog A LOT! The problem is everyone else has been blogging so little. Even jane, who used to be able to write at least 2 entries a week, seldom update. Why do I function differently from others? Am I weird? Weather's stormy. And so is Mum's temper. I'm trying my best not to get into a quarrel with her. There goes my blading plans, "POOF", gone. To let her see my baby now is to literally slap myself with a death sentence. I have to think so hard everytime on how to leave the house without letting her see the blades. I can't keep this up for much longer... my life's hanging on a thin thread. Turns out that the stay over tonight may be cancelled. Sigh, something that I've been looking forward for days. And the insomnia problem has worsened. Gosh I can't even shut my eyes for a full minute before my chest explodes in a series of coughs. Life's going downhill for me currently. WTF. ![]() ![]() Ok I'm bored. Well there's no one to chat with on MSN. And I still can't get to sleep so early! I've got insomnia! I've become nocturnal! ARGH. To keep myself from going crazy, I did this quiz, which I usually don't bother to. 10 IMPORTANT THINGS INSIDE YOUR BACKPACK/SCHOOL BAG : 01 wallet 02 mobile 03 keys 04 tissue paper 05 water bottle 06 woman's essential 07 paper 08 journal 09 books 10 erm.. it's been a long time since i went to sch. 9 THINGS THAT YOU REALLY WANT RIGHT NOW : 01 money! 02 clothes 03 kakashi 04 laptop 05 holiday, esp to europe and egypt 06 to lose weight 07 contact lenses 08 tickets to euro final 09 a wish to grant me everything i want :) 8 OF YOUR FAVOURITE FOODS : 01 chocolates, esp dark 02 soya bean milk 03 sushi 04 pasta 05 dim sum 06 ginko nuts with barley and beancurd skin 07 seafood 08 this list is too short lah. x_x 7 OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS : 01 chin 02 jane 03 sze man 04-07 (can i not rank?) 208, JC mates, kar, don't need to spell out lah 6 OF YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIES : 01 LOTR, all 3! 02 The Matrix. Strictly the first one. 03 spiderman 04 dirty dancing 2, hehe DIEGO!!! 05 finding nemo 06 edward scissorhands 5 THINGS IN YOUR ROOM : 01 messy bed 02 screwed up PC 03 messy study table 04 messy wardrobe 05 stinky clothes 4 THINGS YOU ATE/DRANK TODAY : 01 plain water 02 medicine 03 duck noodles(jo, don't read this!) 04 fish soup 3 THINGS YOU COULDNT LIVE WITHOUT : 01 family 02 friends 03 oxygen 2 THINGS YOU USUALLY READ : 01 novels/comics 02 websites 1 PERSON YOU CAN'T FORGET : 01 myself, or else i'll have amnesia. LAME. =P I gotta FORCE myself to sleep soon. Or else I'll be late later. *starts counting sheeps* 1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep... ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Woah. A huge black out hit most parts of the island few minutes ago. And it was due to a disruption in natural gas supply in Indonesia. Read here for more info. Suddenly dawned on me how vunerable Singapore is. We rely on other countries for virtually everything! Water, food, natural resources, EVERYTHING! If one day everyone decides to be mean to us, we will surely DIE. This is bad... Which brings me to another issue. The youngsters today don't bother about current affairs. Ask them when is singapore's next general elections, I think only 1/5 knows. Ask them what song did William Hung sing in AMI auditions, they'll score 100%. This is bad... With the serious matters aside, let's proceed to football! Well, I didn't manage to win the coveted pair of Euro 2004 final tics. All thanks to Greece. Bah. And amazingly, this 85 year old man won it. Woah. To think that out of almost 13 thousand entries, only 54 were correct. Euro 2004 is certainly full of surprises. Yay. Mum has finally given her approval for stay over tomorrow. Let's party, girls. *wolf-whistles* Digressing a little. As promised to myself, here's my baby: ![]() Ignore the fat leg, look at the gorgeous. ![]() ![]() Just changed the layout of my blog. Quite sad that Kakashi's gone, but that picture I saw at corbis kinda awed me over. I like dandelions! Not sure if the colours are suitable. Hehe, but I kinda like lavender. Need to get rid of green for a while. And I've made a dumb mistake again. First semi is supposed to be on thurs morning but my brain screwed up and I ended up telling everyone it's on wed morning. So sorry chin and sze man. I think my place's available on wed. Why doesn't my flu go away? Shoo shoo. Couldn't thoroughly enjoy the spread from Changi Village yesterday. What a waste!! Are your eyes turning green, jane? *grins* ![]() ![]() This seriously sucks. Why in the world are mothers like this? Can't you place a little more trust on me? Yes, I understand it's concern. But you accuse me without understanding the situation. And you obviously know I HATE accusations. This is not the first time. Always say friends are more important compared to parents. If I don't care about you, do I still bother to feel so hurt by your stinging comments? And you will never know you caused me the most heart ache. Always say I don't want to share. But do you always listen? Do you want to take my point of view and try to understand? Do you even bother? Or try? Why do you say one thing today, and say another tomorrow? I can't meet up to your expectations. Maybe I'm a horrible daughter. Or maybe you're expecting too much from me. WTF. WTF. WTF. ![]() ![]()
Monday, June 28, 2004
I've joined the blading club! Yes, I've bought for myself a pair of new shining wonderful blades. Yeah and that wonderful 8 wheels ripped 250 bucks off my pocket. *heart ache* If Mum ever sees it, I'm gonna get it from her. So my baby has to lie secretly in my wardrobe. I took a pic of my baby but something's wrong with my camera. Will display her another time. Oops when did it become female? o_o I solemnly swear that I must fully utilise the 250 dollars, meaning that blading must be carried out at least twice a week. Any failure to do so shall result in me being... erm... separated from Kakashi? Haha I can't think of any effective ones. The Czechs play the Danes later. My prediction: Czech wins. I'm never always right, and have a history to jinx the teams I support. I don't want to be a jinx! *cries* ![]() ![]()
Sunday, June 27, 2004
I'm still down with flu, but it's going away. Yay. Guess all I need is just sleep and some medicine. Went for medical check-up yesterday. Nothing really scary save for the part where the doctor requested for me to take off my bra. And yeah, the doctor's weird. When she was pressing my stomach, she was closing her eyes as if in a therapeutic mood. Or was it she just didn't want to see my tits? What's more offensive was that she washed her hands furiously after touching me. Yeah I know it was for hygiene sake, but I felt really dirty. And being the smart ass that I am, I conveniently seeked consultation there. So I got my medicine for only 10.40 bucks. They don't charge consultation fees. Haha I haven't even matriculated and am already ulitising the facilities there. I'm so smart. :) Kinda looking forward to Union Camp. The people in my group seems pretty nice. And friendly. Plus Jane and Chin are my group mates too. Yay. Carrie got me a pack of Naruto cards from Japan. Muacks. Netherlands are through to the semis! Actually I was also rooting for Sweden, but while at the penalty shoot out, I was supporting the Dutch. They've finally overcame their drought on losing in the penalty shootouts. Maybe this is a good sign, somehow? I hope so. And I've realised I made a mistake, it's gonna be Portugal Vs Netherlands. Not Greece. Oh man, which team should I support? Blading later, again. Haha. Gonna be the 3rd time in this week. I'm still contemplating if I should invest in a pair of blades. Should I??? ![]() ![]()
Saturday, June 26, 2004
What a horrible piece of footballing from France. And true to their form, they lost to Greece 1-0. *cries* No more Zizou for me to watch. With the absence of Viera, the midfield was pretty shaky. But honestly the Greeks deserved to win this game. wtf. Idiot Otto must be gloating now. Damn you. Yesterday's game was so much better. Portugal MADE it!!! YAY. Will be a replay of the opening match, Portugal vs Greece. Time for you to take your revenge! Kick their bloody arses. Now I'm only gonna be rooting for Portugal and Netherlands. I really hope at least 1 of these teams make it to the finals. PLEASE. Really a waste of time to watch the France match. Except to see my Zidane. Seems like my instincts are right, I was thinking I wouldn't be able to see him anymore. And hell, I'm really sick now. Down with a bad cold, sore throat and an impending cough. How am I gonna survive to catch all the soccer matches? And double hell, there's the medical check up later. And the briefing for Union Camp. Equals to waking early, but I can't sleep. WTF. ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Been so long since my last update. Well firstly, I was too tired to update on sun. Then, when I had garnered enough mood to update on mon, the computer screwed up on me. There's so much for me to say, but I can't possibly squeeze them all into this single post. So sickening! Ok, Sunday was FUN. Kayaked with chin/jane/jimmy. It's been eons since I've paddled on water. :) Then the blading idiots, namely me and jane, rented bikes. But we only used up 45 mins out of the stipulated 2 hours cos chin and jimmy offered to teach us blading. Chin had to endure relentless torture on her ear drums while coaching jane. Jimmy should be happy he's got me as his student. Dinner at Long Beach Seafood was so filling. And I can't believe jane and chin dunno how to eat crab, ie peel off the shell. How can you guys say you love food when you don't know how to appreciate crab? Mon was resting day. I was immobilised by all that excercise on sun. Bad sign. And today, was Squash with chin/eleanor. XQ was supposed to come but she sprained her toe at the last min. But I'm still wondering, how in the world do one sprain your toe? HOW??? Enlighten me pls. Didn't turn out that bad. Both of them said I played not bad for a first-timer. Hehe. *smugs* Tomorrow will be blading. Mum says I will wear myself out at this rate. But seriously I was darn tired today. With all that soccer action raging on... And ON to soccer! *hears protests in the background* Czech Vs Netherlands 3-2 So darn sad Netherlands was defeated by the Czechs. WAH. Both teams played well but the Dutch didn't deserve to lose the game. I blame it all on the Dutch coach. Why in the world did he sub Robben out? Idiot. Now Netherlands have to depend on Germany's performance. My poor orange team. *cries* Yet another sad day for me. Spain Vs Portugal 0-1 Well I had hoped Portugal make it and they did. But I wanted Spain to advance too. Portugal played a good game, especially the midfield. It's all stupid Greece's fault. And serves them right for being defeated by Russia. Wahahaha. But if they didn't score that one goal, Spain would still be in the game! Darn it stupid freaks. For Group B, there were no surprises. England Vs Croatia 4-2 Once again, Rooney is the hero. But the english squad definitely played much better in this game. France Vs Switzerland 3-1 My fave Zidane scored the first goal! Yay. And Henry has awakened finally. Not the best performance but still better than the previous one. Go Les Bleus~ I wanna see more of Zidane. ![]() Oh Zizou! *gushes* Oh no he's married! *slaps myself* Gearing up for the Group C matches later. And blading tomorrow. I'm a happy girl. :) ![]() ![]()
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Expecto Petronum! Yeah just caught Harry Potter 3 yesterday. Can't say it's bad, just different from the first two instalments. Much darker and serious, the dementors were kinda creepy and they remind me of the ringwraiths in LOTR. Recommend reading the book before watching the movie, cos some parts weren't elaborated and may cause some confusion. But there were so little Quidditch action. Bah. I only love quidditch. I'm a fantasy novel/flick fan. They bring you into another world and entices your imagination. But the bad thing is that you are reluctant to draw yourself out from that world, and you wish to escape from reality. Why can't I know some magic? Life's so boring in the real world. After that was dinner at China Jump. Golly, my stomach was in for a treat man, and an extravagant one. And what's best was it was FOC. Well, though I kinda felt bad. Headed to Marina Mandarin Lounge. Very nice ambience, and their Earl Grey is so NICE! Couldn't drink any alcohol, due to stupid aunt ruby, but the tea was just as nice. :) The waitresses all wore cheongsams with an incredibly high slit and equally high heels. Gosh, if i didn't recall wrongly, Jo worked there. Now I know why she complained a lot. Recommended place to go just to chill out. And of cos, how could my post not contain any football news? *grins* (sorry kar and those who's not interested in soccer) Went back in time to catch the second half of the earlier match. Denmark vs Bulgaria 2-0 Just felt sad for Bulgaria. They conceded 7 goals in 2 matches! Poor team. And they were red-carded again. Why does this always happen to the underdog teams? Didn't really follow the match, so couldn't make any analysis. Italy vs Sweden 1-1 This is one exciting match. The Italians dominated almost the whole game. Even with the banned Totti, they were still able to show their prowess. Esp their forte, long passes. With the constant attacks on the swedish goal, they managed to get the lead from a header by Antonio Cassano. But Sweden didn't give up, and their persistent efforts in the last 20 mins paid off. An acrobatic shot by Ibrahimovic in the 85th min gave Sweden the desired 1 point. ![]() Italy celebrate. Luckily they didn't wear that ugly kit. ![]() Zlatan Ibrahimovic celebrates his equaliser Group C is currently in a tight position. It may end up that all 3 teams get the same points, and would thus depend on goal difference to qualify. Well, I'm in a dilemma on who to root for. I'm currently rotting at home. Kinda envious of Jane, who manages to make her jobless life so fulfiling. Guess my brain has permanently deterioated with all that rotting and now only chucked with tons of soccer information. The only useful thing I do these days is calculate the scores of each individual teams and analysize who will qualify. Ain't that so exciting? *shrugs* ![]() ![]()
Friday, June 18, 2004
I'm feeling so much better today. *cheers* So definitely going to catch Harry Potter later, finally. The weather's been really horrible these days. Even with the fan blowing straight at me, I still perspire like hell. And haven't been able to sleep well cos of that. Gah. Next time you see me, I'll look like this: ![]() ![]() ![]() Goodness gracious. France played atrocious football. They should have the title of 'reigning Euro champs' stripped off. Super atrocious. They acted like they were so sure they could win Croatia, to the point of being conceited. France vs Croatia 2-2 Everyone thought France could win this easily, but hell, NO. Instead Croatia was the one that played so much BETTER, they are a replica of Energizer's slogan "Never Say Die", esp displayed by Prso. And of cos all the hard work paid off. Yes yes, you guys probably think I'm darn worked up over a draw. France didn't lose to Croatia right? Yeah right. They deserved to lose man, if not from that lucky equaliser. Lady luck is certainly smiling France's way, when a bad back pass allowed Trezeguet to score. And the French always depends on Zidane. The opening goal was courtesy of a great free kick by Zizou, where the ball was deflected into goal by Croatia's Tudor. If you wanna defend your title, do something. Play like this again, your bags will be packed. ![]() Smiles from the french team after opening goal ![]() The scorer Prso (right) celebrates his goal that put his team on the lead ![]() Trezeguet with that lucky equaliser And the earlier match- England vs Switzerland 3-0 Well England didn't exactly play very well, in my terms, not as well as the one against France. But they did well enough to beat the 10 men Switzerland. Sometimes I do pity the teams that are termed underdogs. They tend to get bullied. Thumbs up to Wayne Rooney, who's a young red chilli who's full of zest but loses his temper easily. Great young talent, who took up the goal scoring job from the dormant Owen, though his pass to Rooney for the first goal was commendable. The second goal from Rooney was GREAT. A very primitive shot. And Gerrard made up from that mistake from sun with a 3rd goal. ![]() Rooney celebrates his first goal I'm still so exasperated by France's performance. Yelling at them throughout the match. Waste of my time, except to see Zidane. I'm so engrossed into soccer that I've been losing track of other things. And this staying up frenzy will last till 5th July... I'm not too sure if I can take it. My only wish now is to feel well enough later to watch Harry Potter. I hope I'm not even denied that... ![]() ![]()
Thursday, June 17, 2004
YAY. Portugal vs Russia 2-0 Woohoo~ They're still in the running for advancement. And the Portugese played relatively better than the opening match. Figo was marked dead by the Russians, he couldn't do much. Scolari should have put 2 strikers in the game. But I pity the Russians, cos they had their GK red-carded. I kinda felt that they were being bullied, somehow. Bye Russians, but you guys played not bad, though with lack of confidence. Well actually you can do me a favour by beating Greece. Hehe. ![]() Maniche scores the opening goal! ![]() Good coordination btw Ronaldo and Rui Costa creates the second goal ![]() Poor Russian GK. He didn't touch the ball, darn unlucky. Some pics from the previous match. ![]() Iker Casillas, the Spanish GK. He's only 23, and so cute. ![]() Charisteas (left) scored the equaliser. Their expressions are erm... ![]() Morientes scores the opening goal. ![]() Which is the real Jolin? ![]() ![]() On a break after the Spain Vs Greece match. And I absolutely got to say this: F*** you, Otto Asshole. DAMN. Spain drew 1-1 with the Greeks. To be honest, Greece played well but my heart lies with Portugal. And I can't believe Spain, who's ranked 3rd can't beat the 35th ranked Greece. Oh c'mon, help your Portugese neighbours... But hell, what's done is done. Greece is gonna advance, along with either Portugal(provided they win later) or Spain. And all that is dependent on the last match. Unless Russia defeats Greece, which given the latter's current form, is near impossible. Sigh. ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Wow. Haven't been online for almost the entire day today. (that is somewhat a miracle) Been busy with Nora Roberts, comic and sleeping. Yeah I sleep a lot, but this time it's because of the stomach flu. My mood now: IRRITATED Factor 1, the disgustingly hot and humid weather. Can make a person's sweat glands go crazy. 2, Aunt Ruby came to spoil the day. 3, of cos, the irksome stomach flu. I had so much gas that I had to excrete them two ways, via the mouth and ass hole. And that isn't a pleasant thing. Guess I need to visit the doctor soon. Ok, let's move on to the niceties. Yesterday was GREAT. Met with Chin earlier to get presents for Busha and XQ. Got Busha this cute luguage tin with 8 chocs inside. I didn't feel like giving that away. And a bracelet in a nice precious moment box for XQ. As usual, most people were LATE. That's how I became influenced to be late nowadays. Who wants to be a stupid fool to wait forever? It pays to be smart. :) So happy to see everyone, esp Becky, Eleanor and Busha. Brings back a lot of memories from the KC days. And I realised that we tend to celebrate the june babies' birthdays a lot. So those poor babies with birthdays during the exam period, namely sept and oct, are left out. And the ever spontaneous Eleanor volunteered to be the Birthday IC. Wahahaha when she does't even know everyone's birth dates. I think everyone didn't change that much, in terms of personality. Busha is still so talkative, but that's good when it comes to squandering information regarding her boyfriend. Becky as broody as ever, haha. But her hair did grow a lot. It is an abstract art piece by itself. She'll surely be a good architect in the future. Eleanor is still crappy, and slightly pervertish. She restrained herself a little since she is attached. Can't wait for the next gathering. I'll always love you guys. Muacks. I've uploaded the photos. Snapshots>June Babies And soccer fever is raging... woohoo~ Group D's big match - Germany Vs Holland 1-1! Well, even though it's a draw but still very exciting. Germany played well, and Holland's defense was SO SLOPPY. With Germany leading 1-0, I was so worried for Holland. Until Ruud, who was rendered useless almost throughout the game, delivered a great volley to equalise!! Well, I was happy enough for them to get one point. ![]() Celebration after Ruud's vital equaliser The seond round of Group A matches are coming up. Spain Vs Greece starting in about 10 mins. Oh pls, Spain, you gotta win this. And especially Portugal, you gotta win Russia. You MUST!! I'll pray for you. Off to watch the matches. ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Oh pissy shit. All those stuff I wrote just now got lost when my com screwed up. This is so annoying. Woohoo~ I chanced upon a GREAT discovery yesterday! The malaysian channels are broadcasting ALL the Euro 2004 group matches LIVE!! Wahahaha I don't even care about SCV now. It's just a total junk to me now. This is the first time I've shown such love for a neighbouring country. Oh I LOVE you, Malaysia. Group C matches are exciting. Italy vs Denmark 0-0 Though a goalless draw, nevertheless still an exciting match. Both teams went on a very quick pace. Italy's long passes are so scaringly accurate! But I thought Denmark played very well to keep Italy off, the latter being hot faves to win. The Italians' kit was horrible though. ![]() Two cute guys. Look at Italy's kit. Couldn't even see the number and letters. Sweden vs Bulgaria 5-0 This is the first match in Euro 2004 to have so many goals scored! First half, both teams were matched up equally. But Sweden managed to break through once. Thus they were able to be in defense mode during second half, nullifying Bulgaria's attacks. Bulgaria got desperate, and allowed Sweden's counter attacks to break through. Sweden's kit was so cute. They looked like yellow canaries. :) Plus swedish guys are rather cute. hehe. ![]() Yellow galore. The crowd looked very vibrant. I got stomach flu again. Darn. Is it the time of the year or according to what mum says, cos my sleeping hours are irregular? But seriously, I can't STOP watching the soccer matches. I'll rather suffer from hundred bouts of stomach flu than to cease my soccer-watching. And yeah, will be meeting 208 at Gelare later to celebrate XQ and Busha's birthdays. So happy. Haven't seen the whole group for eons. Thanks MJ for organising. Love you baby. And this is supposedly janey's last day at work. Congrats on your freedom. Hehe. Let's gear up for the quarters man. To Devil's bar we go. YAY. ![]() ![]()
Monday, June 14, 2004
Woohoo. France WON 2-1!!! Zizou scored both in the final 3 minutes! He's my new hero... Now I hope Figo plays well for his next match too. Portugal HAVE to make it. I was thinking I'm gonna be confirmed a JINX for any team I support. Zidane and the fat old man Barthez(amazingly) proved me wrong. :) But I feel very sad for England too. Think this is one of the BEST displays from the national team. And Erikkson's tactics were good, they did hold France back for 90 minutes. They're damn unlucky. Keep up the good performance,though. I dunno if I should catch the Denmark vs Italy match later. I'm so tired, aching all over from sleeping on the floor. And I MUST catch Netherlands vs Germany. VIVEO 2004~ Woohoo. Some moments from the GREAT match. ![]() My HERO. ![]() Oh Zizou, you're so cool... ![]() For ONCE, the fat man isn't sleeping. Can't wait to watch with janey. All the screaming and gasps... *excited* ![]() ![]() I'm at Chin's house now. HAHAHA told you I'll find a way. And I did. I love you chin. Go France. I hope I don't scream too much... ![]() ![]()
Sunday, June 13, 2004
So glad that things are turning out fine for chin and jo. Hope jane will have it going for her too. Don't give up, janey dearie. The France Vs England match is coming up... AAHHH- by hook or by crook, I MUST watch that match. Everyone pray for me to get good news from chin. Anyway I predict France will win. I'm a Man Utd supporter but I betrayed the national team. Haha cos Zidane is too good. :) It's Serene's birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL. Haha but I don't think she even knows of this place. Spent the whole day doing this for her. Rukawa Kaede Haha nowadays I seem to like to draw a lot. I even bought a drawing pad. But well, it's all not my original drawings. Merely copied them from the comic. I wanna be a mangaka!! ![]() ![]() Portugal lost to Greece 1-2!!! Darn it. Oh no, I'm so worried they can't make it to Quarters. Bloody Greeks, esp their disgusting coach. He kept throwing his clipboard on the ground in a fit of anger. And yeah, for what? Excuse me, your team won ok? He irritated me enough for me to make this for him. ![]() Why did Portugal play so badly in the first half? Gosh... and Ronaldo, why did you collide with that Greek guy? Judging from how Spain is playing against Russia now, I think it's gonna be very hard for Portugal to win them. But first, they need to WIN the match against Russia. It's all or nothing. And it's bloody irritating that I can't watch ANY other group matches at home. Stupid bloody hell. Not like I don't want to subscribe to SCV... They didn't bother to install a cable near my area. So what can I do? Now I've got to figure out how to catch the important matches... First up: Tomorrow - France VS England. Who's gonna accompany me?? The Hell. ![]() ![]()
Friday, June 11, 2004
Euro 2004 is on tomorrow!! Gosh I'm so excited. Dad finally called someone to fix the cable lines, so Channel 5's darn clear now!!! *cheers* Now I can finally see where the ball is... Went out with mum in the afternoon. And we had a VERY sinful lunch at Swensens. Baked chicken rice, apple crumble, soup, sundae, fried soft shelled crab, fish fillet and shrimp. *burps* Mum's appetite sure is scary. She cleared most of the food. But it's really great to go out with your parents. The availability of money that is. :) I've finally bought the Sally Hansen Diamond Strengthener Nail Polish. Now I can't chew on my nails anymore. Yeah I'm one of those that chew my nails. Hate that but I can't get rid of that bad habit. Anyone knows of any tips? Haiz. Now I'm thinking that my new layout isn't satisfactory. Maybe I should go do up another. I want Naruto chapter 219 now!!! Hurry up Inane! ![]() ![]()
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Spent the whole day doing up a new layout. Haha. I know it's been barely a month since I created this blog. And now I want to change a layout already. Well since I love Kakashi so much, I wouldn't take him down so fast YET. Here's a preview of my new layout, still under construction. (if the link doesnt work, pls tell me) Version1.1 Preview Give me your comments ok? :) ![]() ![]() Wahahaha. I just found some darn funny pics. Only those who read Naruto would probably fully understand why they're so funny. I edited them and did a character comparison. The files are too big so I couldn't post them here. SNJ1 SNJ2 SNJ3 SNJ4 Anyone knows of any webbie that can store photos? Preferably with storage more than 5MB and able to host. Went with Jane/Chin/SzeMan on the Knight Bus just now. It's the last bus ride ever in Singapore. But actually it isn't that great or exciting. I'm just happy I got the sword balloon and harry potter bookmark. :) (Darn, I'm so childish) ![]() ![]()
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
The transit of Venus is so cool. It actually took place yesterday but I forgot all about it. The Science Centre website said that this event are among the rarest of planetary alignments, since there's only about 12 per millenium. And we're lucky enough to witness 2 transits, the first being 8th june and the next occuring in 6 june 2012. You can view the slideshow of the transit via the Science Centre website. Transit of Venus Now I wish to be an astronomer again... haha. It's such a wet day today. And having read Jane's blog, I feel sad. I really don't know what I can do to help, or even make them feel better. Cos I would never understand how they feel. I can only lend a listening ear, so if anyone feels like venting, come to me. Euro 2004 is coming soon!! It's a little late but I added a countdown timer. Hehe, just for fun. Hopefully I can catch most of the matches... esp Portugal, Spain and France. Since Figo and Zidane is gonna retire from international soccer and well, Spain has a lot of cute footballers like Iker Casillas and Raul. And YAY. Me and Jane gonna take the Knight Bus again later :) ![]() ![]() This is exasperating. I can't find the picture I want to put in my next layout. And I just came across it 2 days ago. Just what is wrong with me??? $*&*#&!@*#!*$*@&$@**!@(+~ And yeah, I'm currently having the same dilemma as Kar and Chin now. That is whether to extend my Flash Fitness membership. Well the only pushing factor is money. But that's the most crucial thing isn't it? But my troubles are nothing compared to some of my friends who are undergoing a rough patch now. I won't mention names. Hope the bad times go away quick. Anyway this is just for laughs. Click here Does this pretty hot babe look familiar? Hoho, if you didn't find her familiar, look at that hot dude on the right of my blog. I really had a good laugh when I saw it. What's more this is supposed to be game art, meaning it would be included in a Naruto game. Sorry Kakashi-kun, but you do look amazing in both genders. Kishimoto sensei, don't ever let Naruto teach Kakashi his Sexy No Jutsu. I don't wanna get a nose bleed. ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Ok this is it. A warning to everyone: DO NOT EVER WAKE ME UP IN THE MORNING WITH ANNOYING PHONE CALLS!! I've had enough. Yes I know I sleep ultra late everyday(ie 4-5am) but this is my choice. So do not assume that I'm gonna be wide awake and entertaining your calls early in the morning. It is totally retarded and irksome. Just leave me a sms. If I reply, I'm awake. If I don't, then you know what I'm gonna do to you if the phone rings for 1 second. You've been warned. ![]() ![]()
Monday, June 07, 2004
What a day today. Blame it on all that Naruto manga reading yesterday. Was supposed to go for my 2nd last excercise class at 10am, and guess what, I overslept! Darn it. Another wasted lesson. And also a wasted trip to Sim Lim today. Me, the super IT idiot, went totally unprepared to buy extra RAM. The assistant was like asking what type of RAM my computer uses, what is my computer's processing speed, etc... which left me flabbergasted. So I have to go back tomorrow AGAIN. Friends today was really hilarious. The stupid whose-wound-up-toy-crosses-the-finishing-line-fastest-wins idea that Monica came up with, the penis shaped cake with cute Emma's face printed on it which Joey thinks looks really delicious, the thrashy Phoebe song... Man, why does it have to be the final season? I'm gonna miss them. Sorry if anyone doesn't understand the previous post. It's something Naruto-related that I couldn't bear to keep it in anymore. Just conveniently ignore it. Oh no.. tomorrow's Tuesday already. Better go take the Knight Bus soon. *makes a mental note* ![]() ![]() Oh darn it. I've just realised something... Team 7 is never gonna come back. Things will never be the same again. I knew this right after the reappearance of Itachi, but I didn't want to believe it. My beloved Team 7. I will forever miss you... And hoping that Kishimoto creates a miracle. ![]() ![]()
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Great but tiring day today. Went PC Show with Jane and her bro. And got a BenQ DVD Burner for 189 bucks. ![]() BenQ DW822A Yay. Now I can burn all my Naruto episodes into discs! :) But I need to increase RAM for my PC first. More money spent. *Sobs* Then we went to take the Harry Potter Knight Bus! Aha, it was fun. Jane was totally smitten with that conductor guy. We took quite a bit of photos, but it's all in Jane's digicam. Will post them up later. And I got a good deal. More Naruto Figurines... and all 8 of them for just $8.95! I named them 'My Pride' and they're all currently sitting proudly atop my monitor. ![]() Woohoo. I wanna go on that purple bus again. ![]() ![]()
Friday, June 04, 2004
Haven't been able to keep up with daily blogging. Well back to the days of easyjournal, I don't do daily blogging. So it's been rather a miracle that I blog this much. Maybe cos I can't keep my eyes off that adorable man on the right. *wolf whistles* I'm been traumatised by a bout of horrible stomach flu. Darn. Firstly, over the past few days, I excrete out everything I eat. Input=Output. Secondly, yesterday, I had horrible stomach ache. Resulting in insomnia. Gosh, I'm really gonna fall sick at this rate. So I'll just post what I wanted to blog yesterday night. Went out with Serene to Parkway in the afternoon. Ate PastaMania(which I eventually shitted out) and played pool. I really miss playing pool. It was the IN thing when we were in TJ. Let's go play pool again. Mega Pool at Parkway is cheap. Off peak hours are 3.50/hr for the 7ft table. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. =) Then it was Pilates. It's so embarassing cos me and Chin couldn't do a lot of the excercises. Our stomach muscles are too WEAK! I feel like such a loser. And it's sad that our Flash Fitness membership is expiring. I wanna excercise more! Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled, my brain is as jumbled as my stomach. Hope my stupid stomach can get better by tomorrow. Can't wait for the PC Show. I wanna get my burner!! And Anbu/Aone, please hurry release Naruto Episode 86!! I can't wait... ![]() ![]()
Thursday, June 03, 2004
(this is the third time I'm typing this entry out. my problematic com. really amazed at the amt of patience i have ;p) Happy Vesak Day! Oops, just realised it's past 12. Heck lah. For all those working people, they must have been thinking "Yay! It's a public holiday!" For me, it's just a typical day to rot at home. The only highlight of the day was Miss Universe 2004. Ok, for those who wanted to say "Yucks, what's so nice about those bimbotic peagent shows?" or think I'm just a hormone raging pevert who gets a kick out of seeing those boobs, I'll kick your ass. To be honest, I watch it EVERY year. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with a girl admiring fellow girls' bodies. But looking at theirs makes me feel inferior about mine. Sigh. And speaking about my body, it aches like crazy. All thanks to the kick boxing class on Tues. And I'm still going for Pilates later. I'm not crazy but just trying to complete my membership. Ok I admit the major reason is to get a step closer to achieving a body like those peagent contestants. *SHH, don't tell anyone.* And I better remember to wear socks everytime I go out now. Gotta hide my ultra sucky looking toe. To prove that I'm not exaggerating: ![]() I even wanted to keep the broken nail as a momento but Dad threw it away. Well you don't get nails cracking like that all the time. Though it's not exactly a good thing too. Just wanted to post this. My two most treasured items. ![]() Oh Kakashi-kun... *drools* ![]() ![]() |
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