Haven't been able to keep up with daily blogging.
Well back to the days of easyjournal, I don't do daily blogging.
So it's been rather a miracle that I blog this much.
Maybe cos I can't keep my eyes off that adorable man on the right. *wolf whistles*
I'm been traumatised by a bout of horrible stomach flu.
Firstly, over the past few days, I excrete out everything I eat. Input=Output.
Secondly, yesterday, I had horrible stomach ache. Resulting in insomnia.
Gosh, I'm really gonna fall sick at this rate.
So I'll just post what I wanted to blog yesterday night.
Went out with Serene to Parkway in the afternoon.
Ate PastaMania(which I eventually shitted out) and played pool.
I really miss playing pool. It was the IN thing when we were in TJ.
Let's go play pool again. Mega Pool at Parkway is cheap.
Off peak hours are 3.50/hr for the 7ft table. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. =)
Then it was Pilates.
It's so embarassing cos me and Chin couldn't do a lot of the excercises.
Our stomach muscles are too WEAK! I feel like such a loser.
And it's sad that our Flash Fitness membership is expiring. I wanna excercise more!
Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled, my brain is as jumbled as my stomach.
Hope my stupid stomach can get better by tomorrow.
Can't wait for the PC Show. I wanna get my burner!!
And Anbu/Aone, please hurry release Naruto Episode 86!! I can't wait...