(this is the third time I'm typing this entry out. my problematic com. really amazed at the amt of patience i have ;p)
Happy Vesak Day!
Oops, just realised it's past 12. Heck lah.
For all those working people, they must have been thinking "Yay! It's a public holiday!"
For me, it's just a typical day to rot at home.
The only highlight of the day was Miss Universe 2004.
Ok, for those who wanted to say "Yucks, what's so nice about those bimbotic peagent shows?" or think I'm just a hormone raging pevert who gets a kick out of seeing those boobs, I'll kick your ass.
To be honest, I watch it EVERY year.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with a girl admiring fellow girls' bodies.
But looking at theirs makes me feel inferior about mine. Sigh.
And speaking about my body, it aches like crazy.
All thanks to the kick boxing class on Tues. And I'm still going for Pilates later.
I'm not crazy but just trying to complete my membership.
Ok I admit the major reason is to get a step closer to achieving a body like those peagent contestants. *SHH, don't tell anyone.*
And I better remember to wear socks everytime I go out now. Gotta hide my ultra sucky looking toe.
To prove that I'm not exaggerating:

I even wanted to keep the broken nail as a momento but Dad threw it away.
Well you don't get nails cracking like that all the time. Though it's not exactly a good thing too.
Just wanted to post this.
My two most treasured items.

Oh Kakashi-kun... *drools*