I'm a self-proclaimed narcisst! Seriously!
Look at the number of hits generated by the hit counter.
I can safely tell you that more than half of it are generated by myself.
And because you guys inflate my ego so much by praising my blog as "cool", I've been caught staring with a satisfactory smile at my blog the whole time yesterday.
And because I love my new blog so much, I can't resist writing new entries.
Someone, pls SAVE me!
Was looking through the tags and I remembered this tag by jane.
"yo girl... you blog everyday or what?!?! "
Well, this would never appear back in the days of easyjournal.
But ever since I've switched to blogspot, I blog A LOT!
The problem is everyone else has been blogging so little.
Even jane, who used to be able to write at least 2 entries a week, seldom update.
Why do I function differently from others? Am I weird?
Weather's stormy. And so is Mum's temper.
I'm trying my best not to get into a quarrel with her.
There goes my blading plans, "POOF", gone.
To let her see my baby now is to literally slap myself with a death sentence.
I have to think so hard everytime on how to leave the house without letting her see the blades.
I can't keep this up for much longer... my life's hanging on a thin thread.
Turns out that the stay over tonight may be cancelled.
Sigh, something that I've been looking forward for days.
And the insomnia problem has worsened.
Gosh I can't even shut my eyes for a full minute before my chest explodes in a series of coughs.
Life's going downhill for me currently. WTF.