finally... a day with no rain.
it's been, in the words of jo, "raining elephants" this entire week.
i actually do like the rain because the weather's cool and nice to sleep in.
but obviously holidays are not meant for sleeping and it's cumbersome to fit an umbrella into your bag. and no swimming for me =(
wasted my weekend away trying to recover from my various ailments.
it was soooo painful not to be able to eat to your heart's content when you feel hungry.
so on monday the moment my stomach flu left me, jane and me dragged alex down to taka sushi tei for a wondrous long overdue japanese lunch. sushi tei's sushi is still the best!
no lack of playing a fool with alex around.

met jo at the market opposite tjc for jane's fave yu pian mifen.
i really cannot comprehend how that girl never gets sick of it.
decided it was not statisfying so we hailed a cab to block 85 for second round, lol.
and then jo spurred on the idea of a vacation, something we had wanted to do but somehow didn't come round to fulfiling it for the longest time.
hopefully this time we can really go somewhere. yay :)

and darling jun's back in singapore!!!
managed to coerce her to accompany me to tampines ikea for window shopping.
i'm seriously in love with furniture megastores; alexandra ikea being one of my favourite hangouts. so fun to jump down on the couches, pulling drawers and switching on appliances <--- this is meijun's fave!
and i'm sooooo happy that jun's finally back! missed her so~

plus dearest jane made me soooo happy when she got me a cinnamon roll.
that was so sweet of her! even though she did say that she's somewhat relieved that i can finally stop whining about my cinnaroll craving. =D
but girl, i don't think i can ever stop. just like how you love your yu pian mifen. *grins*

i'm gonna pray that tomorrow's a sunny day too.