YAY. *cheers*
06 Dec lsm3253 plant physiology
finally over.
i'm one very happy girl right now :)
well i would have wanted to celebrate right after my papers yesterday.
which was why i suggested to chin that we should all go mambo as most of the tertiary population would be there too.
but lousy me concussed even before stepping out of the house!
so i spent the hours after finishing my papers sleeping. -_-"
and what a bummer.
when i had decided to go swimming, it started raining! bah.
now i'm stuck at home at a loss of what to do.
not able to:
- swim because it's raining
- download animes/shows/mangas because my drives are full
- buy cd-r because it's raining
doushite? why???
i guess i'll go watch the asian games encore and hope for the rain to stop.