yet another, YAY!
06 Dec lsm3251 ecology and environmental processes
06 Dec lsm3253 plant physiology
ahhhh but by now most people's finished with their exams.
nevermind, i still have 2 days! just TWO.
what's not so good though; i think i'm getting sick. damn.
plus the fact that today's paper is half-good, half-bad. confident for 50% of the paper and totally deflated about the other half. perhaps i can take comfort in the fact that everyone else is feeling the same way too?
sighs i've been piling up the pressure on myself to achieve good grades this the point that i'm getting a little conked out and trying to run away from reality. if my results don't improve by leaps and bound this semester, i'm dropping the idea of honours for good. but i still think my current degree is still not enough. even my cousin's planning to come back to study for another year after her stint in boston.
right now, i don't have time to think about those issues.
i wished time was longer so i can study and sleep more.
on the other hand, i wish time would go by faster so i can be liberated sooner.