tick... tick... tick...
75% and 35% of 2 modules done. it's the final lap!
about 24 hours later, it's liberation for this girl.
absolutely cannot wait.
with just hours of the desired day looming by, let me tabulate the things i wanna do.
- meet up with 208 and jc clique
- KTV with respective cliques
- live man utd matches with jane
- anime/drama marathon
- catch Death Note 2 and Happy Feet
- retail therapy!
- visit Ikea Tampines (get some new furniture? hah)
- roadtrip to JB (eat, go-kart etc)
- x'mas party/chalet!
- nature trip (tree top trail/zoo/sungei buloh)
- walk-the-dog at SPCA
- take pics of orchard x'mas lightings
- blading and swimming
- get ready for upcoming windsurf camp
- play the luge at sentosa
- organise sprees! do some DIY
- read up on marine biology and japanese
- tidy up my room
- learn to write resume and look out for jobs
wait for me, peeps!
i'll be joining you all soon...