alright, i feel that i have some explaining to do here.
in response to szeman's tag, no i wasn't being sarcastic.
in what way was i being sarcastic? i certainly didn't see it that way.
but if you thought so then i'm sorry.
secondly, i'll be frank and admit that partially my post was directed to you.
not the whole thing because sometimes, i also get irritated by some other members in 208. maybe i picked the wrong time to voice out this issue, but if you were to ask chin she will know that in fact i had felt that this problem exists long ago.
i had wanted to bring this up during gatherings but the situation didn't allow me to and i didn't want to ruin the fun atmosphere.
your entry had triggered off this entry but i really need to let it off my chest because i've been bearing it for the longest time.
and i had hinted to some people about this issue before but i either get people brushing it off or plain avoiding it. so the only avenue for me is then my blog.
as chin said, 208 has been friends for almost 8 years.
8 years of friendship; and we're close friends for goodness sake.
what is it with all the fluffy and cheery talk amongst each other?
why is it that we can only deal with the happy and good stuff and not the bad ones?
to me, that makes our friendship very superficial.
besides, lately our topics have been revolving around crushes, relationships etc. i don't know why but i'm quite bored of it. isn't there more that we can share about our life? is that all our life revolve around?
we are all just afraid to tell each other how we feel about each other.
why are we so sensitive towards being offensive to each other? in any way, i don't feel it offensive because if i bothered to tell you it means i care about you.
rather somehow i think that being careful around each other just builds up walls and that means we do not trust each other enough.
also this just means that you don't want to feel awkward and in some way, it's simply a form of self protection.
i was hoping more people would speak up about this post when i wrote it.
maybe some people saw it and chose to turn a blind eye. maybe they feel this problem doesn't exist in the first place.
i'd like to say that i bear no hard feelings and likewise hope that you don't bear any for me after reading this post. also this is NOT a personal attack directed at anyone in particular.
this is just a plain entry about me speaking my mind.
if i don't say it now, i still will anyway.
so why not now?
let me clarify something.
the purpose of this post, firstly is to speak my mind and secondly is me hoping that i can finally get answers about the honesty issue.
right now i'm not dictating anyone to shed their mask and bare their hearts out to one another. i just want to know about how we feel about this issue. negative or positive answer, i accept. if you agree, we can gradually work on it but if you don't then i accept that you think that it's best left this way.