i just wanted to be honest about this.
does a true friendship require honesty around each other?
that's what i believe in and somehow things have reached a point where i feel that i should say this about my closest bunch of friends.
true that we're very close and all but i always have a problem about the level of honesty in the group.
maybe some would call it being tactful but i don't like it when you pretend that, for example it's all fine when in fact someone's character has been irritating you.
i think that friends should share with each other their faults and flaws. how else would anyone find out then?
the reasonable solution would be to deliver it in a polite and nice way.
i don't know how many people would agree with me.
don't call me mean but this is what i'll try to do in the future.
- 惡魔在身邊
a quote recycled from my earlier entry to reiterate my point.
makes utter sense to me and hopefully to others too.