Union Ball yesterday was a whole lot of fun!
Well I wasn't looking very forward to it cos I actually wanted the weekend to destress.
But well it was 50 dollars well spent. Oh and plus the 28 dollars spent on getting make-up.
The only upset of the day was the loss of my new and unused lipstick. *sobs*
Everyone looked great and the threesome me/jane/chin was high on taking snapshots.
Will provide the link after jane uploads the photos.
And I got to see that someone. He even called me!!! :)
Ritz's food still suck but the hotel rooms are great!
My wish to go stay in Ritz, Fullerton and Raffles Hotel.
Am crazed about playing Gunbound yet again.
Must tell myself to restrict that to the weekends only.
Will be catching Victoria's Secret Fashion Show tonight.
And of course the Olympics Closing Ceremony.
Phelps is carrying the US flag! My last chance to see him!
He is so CUTE!!!
15 yr old Phelps. Golly he looks different, but still the cuteness resides in him.
I tend to get emotional when Channel 5 plays those Olympic clips.
Am I overly emotional?
Tomorrow dreary school starts again. And I'll be looking forward to the weekend once again.
Supposed to be reading up and prepare work for next week. Oops.
Whiled the whole day away playing Gunbound, watching anime and tv.
Shall hereby make a promise to myself to quit slacking around next weekend.