It's only the beginning of the week and fatigue has already overpowered me.
How I long for the weekend...
But sadly, this weekend, I can't rest.
It's Union Ball. All the fretting over make-up, dress, shoes, hair, blah.
Argh. *insane*
Monday was an All Lecture day. 10am to 2pm, followed by giving out Vanity Fair tickets, 4 to 6 lecture again, Bizcom General Meeting and finally dinner!
Chin came to stay over. Was supposed to be studying for my Microbiology mini test but ended up sleeping.
Tuesday is Practical day. And there was no test!!!
I was so wise not to study. Haha.
After 9am to 1pm pract, proceeded to help out as a Clinique assistant at Vanity Fair from 1pm tp 4pm. Was in charge of promoting the Clinique Happy and Happy Heart fragrance. You guys should try it sometime, the floral one smells nice. Though actually I thought Clinique Happy Men smells the best.
There's Chemistry practical later. Another practical!!! *pulls hair*
I'm gonna look super retarded with my lab coat and goggles.
But the worst gotta have to be the pre-lab assignment. It seriously sucks.
I can stone for 10 minutes, staring at the question and writing nothing.
Anyway to end off on a light note, I was suddenly enlightened during lecture on monday that my fave lecturer, who teaches biostatistics, is the long lost twin of Ernie from Sesame Street!
Ok not many people will agree but I think it's so funny!!
My brain's officially screwed.