I've finally fixed the problem!
Yeah i know it took about a month, but seriously i had no idea what was wrong with it.
I thought it was due to a fault in my template html or something.
Turns out that it's cos of the new compose function blogger introduced. Cheh.
Anyway during this past month, lots of things have happened.
+ I have matriculated and am officially a student of NUS!
+ I bought a laptop - Fujitsu Lifebook S series 6620!
+ I bought Jay's new album!
+ I'm a month older! DUH.
Ok actually not that much but well it seems to be quite hectic for me.
My girl pals would probably know the reason behind my saying it's hectic.
Well it's because of a certain someone.
Guess I will change the layout soon. To something jay-related.
School starts on wed and i'm immensely not looking forward to it.
Gotta wake up later at 9am to bid for my 5th module. Very crucial.
Yeah I hope i will enjoy my last day of freedom.