ok i gotta scare some life into my blog.
*ashamed* sorry i'm forever saying i'll update but the posts just don't materialise.
i'm not online as frequent as i'd like to.
these days i either stone or fall asleep the moment i reach home. it's not like work at ubin's been incredibly stressful (in fact it's the exact opposite after CJ launch), i just tune out.
there's so much to update...
the australia grad trip, the internship at ubin, my commencement and the various outings.
i guess i'm really too much of a perfectionist.
my posts would preferentially be full of nice edited pictures and vivid descriptions etc, of which takes up way too much time and thus i'm often too overwhelmed. in the end, i just give up updating.
jane told me before that i can just update whatever i want; it doesn't have to be visually aesthetic or whatever. i totally agree but i just cannot go past myself. bah.
anyway i'll conveniently stick on some pictures to complete my idea of a 'perfect' post.
finally chek jawa is launched on 7th july 2007!
TADA, minister mah draws the curtain along with NParks CEO.
and this is some of us after the entire event.
pictures from peihao
ok i've run out of things to say.
will be back soon. *crosses fingers*