well szeman said my blog's extinct so i shall prove her wrong :)
so new layout!
couldn't resist making one since i've been crazy about the hanakimi manga.
(note: chin and eleanor should know since i've been loafing and reading this while laughing a lot when i should be studying instead)
wanted a clean and crisp feel.
took me a lot more time than i had expected since i had to painfully clean the scan and redraw certain parts. (if you look carefully you can guess which parts i drew in. ie the ugly crooked parts).
and since i opened up fireworks, might as well do the birthday banners.

ZHUANG - 14th June 2006

ELEANOR - 1st October 2006

CHIN - 12th October 2006

i'm missing hongxuan's pictures and we forgot to take pictures during rebecca's!
we haven't exactly celebrated for chun and meijun.
as for mine, i'm lazy. another day perhaps.
right now i'm jam-packed with work while fretting about the upcoming exams.
and then holidays will arrive once again.
feels like just yesterday when we had our 3 month break.
that three months were a period that i can never forget.
the 2 months' work, taiwan trip and the loss of my paternal grandpa.
i still miss him. now with both my paternal grandparents gone, our family hardly gathers weekly anymore. somehow the link seems broken.
it's really saddening.
but mum's always saying that one day when each one of us is settled down with their own matters and family, we won't be as close as we are right now.
and i don't know what will happen once we graduate from school.
chin, zhuang and i will be graduating next year while most of the others are still in school. seems like we are all going to approach a time when our phase in life changes.
perhaps i'm being too morbid here.