took a breather during the weekend, and now i'm up to my neck in work.
ah, i'm regretting it already.
nevertheless, it was fun visiting the asian civilisations museum for the Hidden Faces exhibition with mom&dad. (it was free, that's why they were so willing!)
and watching death note later at GV Vivo with zhuang and szeman.
vivo city's freaking huge and a word of advice: don't ever go there during the weekends. you'll just be amazed at how scary the crowd would be like.
yesterday i caught my first live EPL match this season!
haha really pathetic for a so-called soccer fan but that's the price to pay for having no SCV on my tellybox.
scrambled downstairs to one of the dessert shops showing the match (double RED clash: United VS Liverpool) on my own, ordered a drink and promptly sitted myself at one of the nearest seats facing the screen.
i think some of the guys there must be pretty puzzled by me since i was trying very very hard to cut down my display of aggressiveness when i get tensed while watching a match :)
and YAY, i proved to myself that i didn't jinx the team.
a 2-0 win with Scholesy being my hero! i love it how the veteran players are still the prominent players with impact. of course we need new blood with the likes of Ronaldo, Rooney and Carrick etc, but i think United plays best with the older players in form. makes me nostalgic about the wonderful team back in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
tomorrow's a public holiday but no rest for me :(
it was never meant to be a holiday for me since i had meant to do my lab report the entire day. but now it's changed to a project meeting.
which means lesser time to finish my report and lesser time to study for test.
ahhhh i foresee less shut eye already. bless me.