i hope i'm not catching the SPG-syndrome.
ironically, i laugh and tease others when they tend to ogle or favour caucasians (like szeman who was on an angmoh frenzy a while back, and my cousin gracey who's currently in Boston while i await her coming home with a potential US cousin-in-law).
it's hard not to take notice of those exchange students.
last friday i was ogling at this caucasian dude i bumped into twice that day.
obviously he's cute, dresses relatively well and his cologne smells good.
so i couldn't help but keep staring admirably at him.
crikey, now i wonder who's gonna get the last laugh.
also i realised that the term "eye candy" has been missing from my entries for a long time. ah well, i guess that was really just a phase where i started becoming bored and developed an unhealthy obsession (of course less unhealthy compared to my CRAZEE secondary school days).
so right after i found out he had a girlfriend, he's been shut out of my life.
as simple and easy as that.
lol, what a convenient crush.
though i wished i had something to take my mind off stressful matters.
the mountain piling of work, bleak future prospects and uneventful social life.