why is it always about school?
butterflies knotting in my stomach already, amazingly. at this time.
the horror just trudges closer and closer.
and my head threatens to split open very soon.
had thought that the taiwan trip could help soothe tensions a lil.
yes but yet it adds another problem to the list - finances.
(still pissed that i missed progress package by mere months, gah)
and now another quibble with the folks at home.
so timely when i'm feeling damn shit-ified after enduring countless bouts of cramps, abnormal bowel movements and lack of sleep.
why can't they understand? why can't they trust me more?
and when can they ever learn to motivate me for once?
eye candy's been keeping my spirits high in school.
but now i'm not sure if that's sufficient anymore.
i wish it could all end soon.