a birthday collage for dearie leeloo
(i think this will be customary)
so far no one in 208's had a big big party celebration.
thus the first one i've ever been to was alex's last saturday.
now lex, hurry send me the photos so i can be nice and do a collage for you.
lately i just can't get eye candy out of my head.
he's just supposed to be an eye candy, not some crush/infatuation.
i mean how on earth can someone be so obsessed over somebody whom she doesn't know the name, personality, etc?
maybe because i see him every other day. especially at times when i least expect it.
i've never been like this before.
the minimum was that i at least knew my crushes or semi acquainted in some way.
this one's just a total stranger. what's wrong with me?
hope this doesn't mean that i'm too desperate. T_T
alright, last week of school.
my textbooks, notes, readings are all waiting to be touched.
well every semester i'll proclaim myself away from computer during this period.
but knowing myself, i'll definitely log on every other day to whine and digress.
so pray that you don't see too much of me here soon alright?
aja aja everyone.