sunshine after the rain.
and i'm enjoying every radiating glow from the sun.
the past week's worth of rain kept me in a lazy mood.
so today, the rain having kept off by the glorious sun...
finally made me mustered enough energy to clean up my room.
ok mine isn't the big operation sort like jane's.
(i bet hers must have been a pig sty, heh)
it was way overdue since the end of exams and in lieu with the upcoming chinese new year.
whenever i do a major cleanup, i'll never miss flipping through old photos.
those were really old (childhood-jc) since the newest photos are in digital form.
and it's always really funny to see how much we've changed physically.
all of us look so dorky, haha.

my dad's so hilarious right?
first week in school was relatively ok.
still a little unused to waking up early and attending lectures.
but i must keep my positive attitude.
shouts: "aja aja hwaiting!"
and i acquired this sweet little furry companion yesterday.

so cuddly. *squeals*
i'm gonna bring it everywhere i go.
dad's relieved that this little fellow eased up my tirade of whining over buying a golden retriever.
well dad, yes i'm distracted. at the moment.
but i will not forget that i want the real thing.