back from a shopping trip which was supposed to be happy and cheery.
was supposed to.
till i had argued with mum minutes ago.
it's all over some stupid issue of buying CNY clothes.
i'm blaming her for rebuking me when i complain about having no time to shop.
which is true, on my side.
firstly, all my shopping time last week was given to szeman's present.
secondly, all the school work kept me essentially busy.
thirdly, the reds bestowed me a cramp that made me grouchy and ache 24/7.
so what was i to do?
EVERY SINGLE year i'd have this stupid fucking problem.
i hate all the designers out there that think all girls are petite in nature.
what about the plus size girls huh? don't we cut a share of the consumer market?
and i HATE it when all the skinny girls start complaining that they can't find NICE clothes.
WTF. you're spoilt for choice and still whine about it?
why not i stuff you into the body of a plus size girl and let you understand what it truly means by CAN'T FIND NICE CLOTHES?
i'm trying very hard not to be picky about my clothes.
but each time i find something nice, i CAN'T fit into it.
what's the whole damn fucking point?
i should just cut a rug and wrap myself up.
then i wouldn't be fuming over such a stupid issue.
i'm not someone who endorses "skinny is pretty".
but i'm slowly succumbing to that idea.
i'll be lying through my teeth if i were to declare that the main reason i'm trying to lose weight because i want to be fit.
partially yes, but which girl doesn't want to look pretty?
i wanna ditch that disappointment of being unable to fit into something you adore.
and be given the choice instead.