today's the day for November Chopin collection.
*whoops around in joy
well i actually didn't wanna blog about this.
but because it happened twice in succession.
so my tolerance level has been breached.
so how should i start?
last friday was at NUS central library
and using the linc catalogue machine,
when this black guy came over and started talking.
he basically spoke so fast i couldn't catch him,
i thought he was reprimanding me for hogging the machine.
turns out he was doing a self-intro and now asking for my name.
got stunned a bit but i ignored him after telling him.
"i see joyce doesn't wanna talk to me"
i dunno why in the world i said sorry to the above line.
he proceeded to walk away. phew.
yesterday's case was a lot more dangerous.
got up the upper deck of the number 10 bus,
and this old uncle turned around to stare at me.
i thought it was nothing until he ran over and sat next to me,
claiming that i look like his niece.
he then proceeded to ask me truckloads of questions,
and lied about getting off the bus soon.
so i stupidly told him i was going to school.
he went down in shenton way so i thought phew i'm safe.
turns out he only went to the lower deck and he came up again.
and now he's going to the same place as me (the last stop!)
he kept trying to ask for my number and name,
through a number of means.
the most ridiculous one was trying to introduce his son to me.
"my son's very handsome and tall. you give me your number and i'll intro to you.
i'm sure you will like him a lot." *puke
"you give me your number. i'll buy a new handphone for you." *puke
"give me your number in case you need my help."
haha and to this i replied,
"you could help me now if you let me go sit elsewhere."
rendered speechless and kept saying sorry.
he didn't do much actually.
beside the harassing, he kept inching closer to me.
and whenever he does that, i'll fidget so he'll move away.
and say sorry again. *rolls eye
before he got off at haw par villa,
he passed me a slip of paper with his mobile number.
obviously i didn't take it.
but thinking it through now, perhaps i should.
so i can call him back using a public phone
and threaten him. hahahaha.
well anyways, i've learnt my lesson.
i will always sit on the outside next time.
but i'm wondering.
why am i so unlucky to attract such people?