the sight of the blue/yellow tents inspired my adrenalin rush.
yay, my first time watching a modern circus troop.
despite the huge amount of investment for the ticket (a whooping $122!), i'm glad i didn't regret it one bit.
though i feel i didn't fully enjoy the show because our location was slightly blocked by a pillar. the stage should have been better structured because the people in the centre would focus on the main act while the people on the sides were blocked by some structures.
to name a few, i enjoyed the diablos, the man in a huge hoop and the comedy act. but at the end of the day, i left feeling confused.
one thing i observed though, was the staggering number of caucasians in attendance.
they even brought their little children along. i bet they must have outnumbered the singaporeans.
which made me draw a conclusion that the arts appreciation culture in singapore is really not there yet. and we have to work much much harder.