my mind's being in a blank this week.
i can't, for god's sake, recall what i did on monday and tuesday.
let's just skip that. i don't wanna get a headache.
these days i'm preoccupied with something known as the CORS.
and yes, everytime school is about to start, i'd start spewing my curses.
my timetable is as freaking disgusting as it can get.
and i'm helpless.
went down to school to fill in the form for module swap.(i wonder if i'm crazy for willingly swapping to the other group whereby my timetable would be incredibly sucky just so i can be with my friends.)
met up with chin/busha/zhuang and stella!
i haven't seen that girl for ages, ever since we left KC.
she's still very much the stella i know though studying in US did wisen her up.
and we twerps were so busy talking we forgot to take a picture. damn.
retail therapy day.
after the short training session at DBS Shenton Way, chin and me trotted down to orchard. and yes, with my paycheck safely in my bank, the shopaholic is back with a vengence! bought a purple tee from zara and a pretty pair of shoes that i don't need. i love shopping!
jun brought us to club momo under the guest list. we were in a different queue from the other 'normal' people; it made me feel special for that instance :)
and we had this whole curtained couch area to ourselves.
initially impressed with the retro look (the toilet was totally pink!) but the music and drinks put me off. we had to wait a whole 30mins to sign for our purchases and there wasn't much of a queue in the first place.
talk about efficiency. i'd prefer zouk anytime.
oh yay i suddenly remembered what happened on monday.
OMG how can i freaking forget that.
the ingo councillors' KTV outing!
i miss K-ing sooo sooo much! and it was a whole load of fun K-ing with them.
the guys were hilarious, lydia with her angelic voice, june with her super stamina. we should have more of such outings!
end of my boring weekly recap^^