look at my scary face, lol.

my first time as a ghost. fun at first, but scaring people repeatedly for 30+ times becomes no kick. especially when they don't scream.
i had to endure the whole night with one half-closed eye and hardened starch all over my face. eucks.
why can't the freshies be scaredy cats like jane or chin?

our group's ghosts.
scaring the daylights out of the visitors in haw par villa.
adhering to UC tradition, INGO @ zouk on wednesday night.

that night was happening.
for chin, fate brought her immense happiness :)
for me, a weird encounter brought me first shock then doubts and excitement.
*wolf whistles*

sizzling hot. everyone but me :)
(check out the incredulous expression on eleanor)

met up with the 208 gang for swimming and dvd watching.
we caught a lot like love and ice princess.
the movies were just so-so, 1 scene from a lot like love stuck out.
the one where ashton kutcher was singing his heart out to amanda peet.
"i'll be there for you... these 5 words i swear to you..."
got charmaine pulling off her usual of rewatching that scene a total of 6 times!
saturday and sunday was occupied with work, which made me miss baybeats.
am getting tired so will cover more tomorrow.