i'm outrageously tired.
blame it on my craziness for [恶魔在身边] {i'd refer to it as monsterbesideme}.
blame it on the hectic DBS roadshow.
i just found out that giving out flyers is a job that seems easy but tough to do.
and my usual social observations have led to to conclude that guys are easier prey than the ladies. (which i have no freaking idea why)
i thought we sinned against Mother Nature by disposing the flyers. otherwise poor jun could never have finished distributing ALL 4000 copies, even with my help.
and yes girl, if you happen to read this, please do not attempt to give me any pay for wanting to help because friendship is not measured in dollars.
besides, (if you feel unjust) you've already paid for my dinner and also given me that pretty lime green mango skirt. So if you try again, i'd seriously whack you.
matriculation fair ends in another 3 days. meaning roadshow for another 3 days.
if not for the alluring money and chin being there, i'd called it quits.
(angie laughed at me when she saw me as the DBS girl. heck, DBS girl. someone who used to dislike DBS and whine about it all the time. ironic, yeah?)
here's to perserverance.