my sleeping pattern's altered now.
crash at 12pm and wake at 9am.
i guess i've evolved into a chinaman now... they're amazing i tell you.
by 7am, the streets are bustling with bicycles. their version of motorbikes are bicycles mobilized with a environment-friendly motor. so most of them don't actually cycle, they just activate the motor. i saw some girls wearing dresses and heels on such motorbikes, really hippie i tell you.
can't blame them actually. the sun rises at 4am there and sets at 7pm. so compared to singapore who has the same timezone, china has a much longer daytime compared to nightime. so naturally they become early risers and sleepers.
i think i've gotten fat too. the negative consequence of a holiday.
we eat 3 full meals a day and besides the occassional sightseeing, we sleep in the bus like little pigs. of course we'll all grow fat. argh.
i gotta pimp my swimming regime a bit to accomodate my excess lipids.
another negative consequence is the disorientation.
even though there is no jetlag this time, after 8 days of busy intinery, i can't get used to the do-nothing life back here.
and i really miss xiao zhou's funny taglines and his exaggerated bahasa. and getting to spend time with my family everyday. sighs.
if only holidays were FOC... i wish.