i'm chlorine deprived. seriously.
it feels like something's missing from my system.
i guess i really do love swimming now. one day, if all the water in the world has dried up, i'll definitely turn neurotic first before dying.
stupid work's keeping me from my regular excercise regime.
even though i may complain it's uber boring all the time, i suspect trying to keep yourself alert throughout an extremely boring day burns even more energy than you can imagine. that's my theory.
either that or if you force yourself to do something you dislike, you burn more energy too. it's the mental energy i'm referring to, fyi.
that explains why i can remain hyper even after a day's worth of labour if i'm enjoying myself in the first place.
noticed that i complain about work all the time.
when i have no work, i complain. when i have work, i complain.
i'm truly what you call an unsatisfied person.
anyway all admin jobs suck. and i always end up getting stuck with them.
and shenton way is really terrifying. seeing everyone walking so fast makes you nervous. as if we don't have enough stress.
so admist the miserable time at work, i still managed to meet up with 208.
yipee~ i always love meeting up with them.
i can never be as at ease to anyone else but them.
which is sad because homo and busha is gonna leave for australia soon.
i will miss them so so much.

wahahaha i love that banner. nice?
(it's for a theme week in the jay forum)
coincidentally i'll be going to the zoo next monday and jay will be coming next tuesday. i can't wait for dearie jay to come.
6 days more to jay-mania.
ok i'm really incoherent. in bits and pieces.
i need my sleep.