IE web broswers suck big time.
i lost the entry that i meticulously typed out on friday because i fell flat asleep in front of my pc and when i woke up, the browser miraculously restarted. weird or what?
so i decided to boycott blogging for a while since it was so mean to me.
been a long while yeah?
during this long while, i've been working working working.
i dunno how to describe my situation at work really.
let me ask you instead. would you be happy or frustrated when you have nothing to do and just sit idly, waiting for the supervisor to come back so as to give instructions?
for me, i feel both. happy because i'm getting paid doing minimal work but frustrated because i feel like a worthless person while everyone else is so busy.
seriously i think they should terminate my service early to spare me from such agony.
imagine waking up early everyday to idly sit in the office. that is not my cup of tea.
had my lunch alone for the first time on friday. it wasn't that bad.
i was prepared actually, i even bought my i-weekly. the loneliness only surfaced when i entered a very crowded eatery and realise i have no one to help me 'chop' seats.
but all in all, i'm quite happy eating alone anyway. i can't picture myself eating with people from the office. in case you're wondering, yes i'm an anti-socialite and i just can't be bothered.
anyway the weekend was a blast, in comparison to bleak working weekdays.
208 met up for 3 days this week alone! yay. (i think it's a milestone in itself)
met up with chin/jun/homo/becky/szeman for steamboat on tuesday night.
the food (the one beside my house) wasn't especially worth a mention…
the highlight of the day was when szeman arrived with bags full of food.
sounds normal? it won't be if you knew that she 'stole' them from the office.
and seeing a thin frail girl, who is always in total risk of being blown away by the wind, sneakily carrying bags of food which comprises 15 cans of green tea, 1 large packet of kit kat, tupperwares containing sardine puffs, fried rice... we all either "LOL" or "gasp!".
then we took lots of crazy photos underneath my house. will post them later.
met up with becky/chin/szeman/busha/leeloo in marina square, center stage.
where chin was constantly flashing her weird (and goofy) smile... hee :)
we later interrogated becky at starbucks over her definition of a cute guy.
and becky sure is very cute when we broach that subject. she avoids it altogether or just keeps repeating "don't know". heehee our concurrent plan is to make her drunk and then...
let her spill her secrets out on her own! we're evil, ain't we? =p
then on saturday was blading with jun/homo/chin/szeman/busha.
haven't blade for such a long long time my skills are rusty. it's a miracle i didn't fall this time.
though i'm yet again reminded of the fact that my darling blades are 1 size too small and they don't fit my pretty feet. sighs.
we again took lots of random snapshots with our handy camera phones. only in this instance do i appreciate the pros of technology.
it was incredibly fun to blade with them. and one important reason being they're not very pro so i don't feel i'm a burden.
imagine blading with chin and jane the 2 pros... *horrified*
they all went back to their respective homes to bathe, leaving me being the stinkiest since they're all going to my house.
on the way i borrowed the chronicles of narnia: the lion, the witch and the wardrobe; prince caspian and bill bryson!
you guys recall the chronicles of narnia by C.S. Lewis? (if you haven't, you have not live your childhood to its fullest)
anyway there's gonna be a movie adaptation of the chronicles of narnia: L,W,W in december! i'm so gonna watch it.
ok back to topic. so we watched kill bill volume 1+2 and the 1st 4 episodes of america's next top model (antm). and snacking on zillions of trash.
kill bill was rather a disappointment. yeah it was gruesome but i was rather awestruck by volume 1 because of the manga-like direction.
BUT as like all sequels, it failed to deliver. an example would be matrix trilogy.
i was so looking forward to the 2nd installment because the 1st promised good things. sama sama in the case of kill bill.
luckily i didn't spend the money to watch it in the theatres. the gruesome parts were rather hilarious especially the squirting blood. lol.
currently now in office, bored to tears. supervisor off to lunch and the guy who is supposed to assign work for me has nothing for me to do.
he even asked me to read the papers. ^^;;
my thoughts linger back at home... where my jay placards are waiting to be completed.
i'm rather paranoid that i wouldn't be able to finish them in time given my perfectionist nature of erasing and redrawing every stroke.
and speaking of which, THE MAN will be making his presence felt on the island tomorrow!
i can't wait...
will be blogging again later. till then.