after an eyeful, time to get tortured with a wordy entry.
i'm a happy girl.
the reasons why i'm happy right now
#1: no more work
finally i'm liberated from work. woohoo~ not that it sucked entirely. i was actually starting to enjoy it during the later days but my inborn intolerance for data entry reached its limit. tada, so i'm a freebird once more.
#2: swimming
i'll just say that soaking in chlorinated water is a natural ailment anytime, anywhere.
#3: the air is cleared
real glad to clear the air. our friendship wasn't built on weak foundations :)
#4: 208 outing tomorrow
any time spent with my beloved friends will be good.
plus the fact that zhuang will be there! i haven't seen her for more than 1 year.
#5: more time with mummy and daddy
speaks for itself.
#6: because everyday deserves to be a happy day. :)