went for mass with gie and ser at the Saint Peter and Paul's Church.
actually i wanted to attend the special one for the Pope on monday but i was rather apprehensive about going alone.
and i was right. it sure was scary even with 2 catholic friends with me.
i dunno why, i just felt so self conscious. it didn't help that the number of people who attended were little so it was pretty obvious that i don't kneel and do the trinity sign - which means i'm not catholic.
gie commented that it's been raining since saturday which coincidentally happens to be the time when the Pope is in grave condition and subsequently his passing.
maybe it's really just a coincidence but i somewhat believe that the rain holds many symbolic meanings pertaining to the Pope's death.
Tears of the passing of our Holy Father; water as purification. whichever way you see it.
dreadful exams are looming closer, in about 2 weeks time. geez.
there's an amazing amount of work to be completed and tests to be studied for i doubt i can embark on my plans to actually start cramming.
i certainly hope i can prove some seniors, who proclaimed that if your grades for year 1 are very bad, you have no chance to climb back up again, wrong.
missed my mon swimming this week because of the rain.
now i'm feeling very uneasy as if i've fallen out of my proper regime.
i wonder if i should be brave and go utilise NUS pool.
i need my excercise!