15 hours later marks the beginning of yet another terrible period in my life.
ok not all that terrible but bad enough to occupy the honour of being the #1 fear of SG children.
and it doesn't just apply to children you know.
been reading about religion for my soci exam tomorrow and since it's exam time, i bet the churches would be busier ie more youths go this time.
Father Simon Peirera said in the commerative mass that he sees a lot of youths during the exam period.
hmmm validates the point that people turn to religion when in crisis. (exams are crisis, FYI)
and being the free-thinker that i am, i have to bashfully admit that i do pray before an exam. but i don't on a daily basis.
horrible person, ain't i?
it's frightening how people get the motivation to mug so hard.
i can't, i just can't. i tried... but failed.
so now i have to fall back on my usual routine of 'hugging Buddha's legs'.
wish me luck.