Meant to update after Nightmare Thursday and Hectic Friday.
Alas, I tumbled right into bed after I came home.
And it was yet another Shopping Saturday this week. All Chin's fault!
Yesterday was Blading and Unlucky Sunday.
Now whenever people were to ask me to name my most embarassing moment, I finally can name one. And yes, it happened yesterday.
The deal: Sneak a look at a doggie strolling along ECP and BOOM! down I slide. Not just that since I fall like a thousand times before already. I made a super duper split in my shorts, so huge it can even be separated into two separate pieces if I were to dislodge the remaining fragile stitches hanging. OMG. Luckily Chin lives opposite and she saved me by lending me her old shorts. Or else I can't imagine myself having to keep up with walking around self consciously with my humongous pouch hanging permanently behind me(to cover the hole) and that disgustingly airy feeling. It didn't help that it was a Sunday.
Today's Swimming Monday.
Am pretty amazed I could do continuous 12 laps.
My aim would be to up my usual routine of 20 to 25 laps. And make that twice a week.
After that, mum and I went for this real funny makeover @ Seiyu Bugis.
Basically just purchase $45 worth of Boujour Paris products and you're entitled to a free makeover. It was so paiseh to sit there while pairs of eyes stare. And it was so hard to pose for that perfect shot. Plus I look horrible.
Anyway I've just caught another Ghibli production and I love it!
This one made me cry and left me with a lot of emotions.
Princess Mononoke, IMO, is much better than HMC in terms of plot. This is probably Miyazaki's most personal movie.
Seeing the way how humans destroy nature left me in tears. But somehow you wouldn't hate the villians because the line between good and bad is so ambivalent.

One quote from the movie impacted me a lot.
"Humans are always selfish."
Yes I agree. Whatever we do, we always think about ourselves first.
This had made me come to realise that actually all talk about conservation is actually a well-intended act. And the catch is it will save us.
We're just probably worried that when the Earth collaspses, mankind will die. It's just a facade afterall and I feel disgusted even with myself because I can never change the fact that I'm a human.