maybe i'm slow.
just recently noticed that there are so many people who wear yellow, white, blue or whatever colour wrist bands.
after sparking off my curiousity, a small discussion with jun and an online search led me to discover the LiveStrong wrist bands.
i didn't know a simple yellow wrist band imprinted with the word 'livestrong' holds so much symbolic meaning.
every band costs $1 and the money goes to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help the people around the world who are living with cancer.
Lance Armstrong is truly someone i look up to.
Read about him here
it's sad that such a sincere effort is being cashed in by various industries.
because many celebrities are seen wearing it, it's become a huge fashion statement.
you can find counterfeit bands selling all over- on e-bay, US shopping malls and streets.
nothing bad about the popularity since it promotes more sales of the bands.
but not all of the bands are authentic(they even come in many colours) and the proceeds do not go back to the foundation.
so don't buy from those greedy people. choose wisely who you buy from. only the yellow ones are real.