i'm in a bad bad mood these days.
the workload's driving me nuts and it's not time for the bloody exams yet.
and so given my very bad mood, i check back to my blog and see that many people doesn't seem to have understood the meaning of a question mark. oh and in case you ignorant people don't know what's a question mark, it's this damn symbol here in bold: ?
and i can't help but have to comment that sometimes even my closest friends irritate me. they either are selfish, impatient and demanding.
why do they have the right to expect me to reply swiftly in msn when they myself takes a bloody 1/2 hr sometimes to do so. (and hello, are you stupid or what? don't you understand BUSY mode?) unfair.
why do i have to listen to them yakking about something when half the time no one bothers to listen to me yakking? unfair.
many people may not know but i'm one hell of a introvert. i choose not to speak out regarding my innermost thoughts and feelings. why? because i'm afraid to hurt people and to lose them in the process. but in the end, seems like i bear most of the brunt of my own actions.
i should learn to be a selfish brat.
instead of being that dormant volcano that has a danger of erupting anytime.