I'm a happy girl.
1. it's the weekend!
2. finished my history midterm essay
3. response for 208 outing was good :) meeting up and watching howl again.
4. retail therapy again~
5. jane and chin going anime@acm with me
sorry for that scary post. couldn't control my outburst.
anyway if you're wondering what's anime@acm, check this link out!
It's really cool plus they're screening good animes for free.
Don't call yourself an anime lover if you don't go for it.
was looking through the tagboard the other day and i realised that the only people who tagged, and possibly the only ones who visit my blog are:
the regulars: chin, jane, meijun and karmene
frequent: joann
once a blue moon: alex, qing, rach, serene
so we're like dumb asses that tag in each other's board, assuming having a separate conversation altogether.
what i'm puzzled about are the stats. since so little people know about the existence of my blog, how come some days the hits can reach 20+? i don't think you guys are so boliao to keep checking back right?
so who's coming here then? O_o
i don't want my secret treasure trove to be discovered.