eventful weekend. i hope it stays like this.
dyed my hair with chin on fri night. the DIY type.
we chose a rather weird colour aptly named "coral pink" but alas, i see no trace of pink on our hair.
and i so have to complain about my stubborn hair that just refuses to absorb much dye... so the dye job didn't make much of a difference. to me. though chin and mum said otherwise.
sat was rather boring. was supposed to go for the adidas post season sale at 10am and as usual, couldn't wake up. =P
only thing worth mentioning was that i had to make a damn important decision in about 5 minutes and given my hesitant nature, that was hard.
but anyway i accomplished that and so i'll be going to suzhou, hangzhou and shanghai for 8 days with my family.
am rather looking forward to the shopping, scenery and xiaolongbao.
so chin, jane and me finally trodded down to expo for the adidas sale. i woke up late again haha but luckily dearie chin was there on time to queue. was slightly disappointed because most of the hot items either ran out of stock or were out of sizes. can't help but keep bitching about how we should have gone down yesterday.
and i finally borrowed novels!
was seriously suffering from a major bout of Lack-of-a-Good-Read Syndrome(LGRS).
my to-read list
The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffengger
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes
What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day by Pearl Cleage
i so badly want to pick up Mitch Albom, Dan Brown and Sophie Kinsella.
probably after the exams cos i highly doubt i can keep a clean fines record after borrowing so many books on impulse.
and the new central library just 1 street down from my house's gonna be open real soon. jealous? haha.
anyway i'm kinda amazed by myself regarding my web surfing habits.
i can either be on a surfing craze whereby i can google for hours continously or days whereby i just can't find anything interesting to google about. or even webpages to visit.
and my topics are usually quite crazy. they deviate a lot!
an example:
got interested in the song again after hearing the channel u trailer.
googled fly me to the moon
results a whole list of midis
got interested in good luck drama
googled good luck drama
results chanced upon an extensive j-dorama site
got interested in long vacation, my fave j-dorama
googled long vacation
results a long string of fond kimutaku moments
got interested in kimutaku
googled kimutaku
results tons of sites that led one to another. spent hours browsing and increasing my kimutaku knowledge
suddenly remembered a famous japanese baseball player mentioned during HY2247 lecture
googled ichiro
results string of links i got lazy to check
i'm crazy sometimes. chin sometimes asks me "hey joyce what do you do online? i'm bored." and i just reply "find something to do" and she'll go "i dunno what to do!"
so guys, learn from me man. i discover good stuff like that and like this, you'll never feel bored. BUT be prepared for dark rings.
i just hate it when weekends arrive and pass on so quickly. so transient, the moments of enjoyment. and i hate it when i actually have to do work during these times but i conveniently squeeze them all out of my head because it inteferes with my slacking schedule.
on a side note:
am i being very petty?
remember the rather ambiguous post(for those who aren't involved) about me getting really angry and disappointed about friendship?
both of them actually apologized but i didn't accept it. plus i'm rather cold too.
am i being really mean?
do i really look like i'm english-speaking? those i haven't bugged, tell me based on the first impression ok? it's my current burning question.