Yesterday's visit to the Asian Civillization Museum (ACM for short) has once again intensify my love for archaelogy.
They may be lifeless objects behind clean glossy glass panels but they speak of so much history and insight into the ancient people's culture.
I am considering going there regularly for the new exhibitions.
Just quite sad that most people our age probably think of this as a bore.
Once again this makes me rethink my decision to continue my major.
Am I doing the right thing? Do I really wanna do this?
Caught quite a bit of box office action lately.
Though 2 films that stuck around are Finding Neverland and Howl's Moving Castle.
I agree I'm a real sucker for fantasy. Anything fantasy and decent, I'll love it.
Finding Neverland to me was a masterpiece.
So simple yet so heartwarming.
Plus the marvellous casting of wonderful Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet, no way can this film sink.
Neverland, a paradise where only few can reach.
Howl's Moving Castle was somewhat disappointing. I guess I expected loads from Hayao Miyazaki after Spirited Away.
The visuals were spectacular but the plot seems lacking somehow.
I came out of the cinema feeling rather confused, some bits of the plot had some loose ends that weren't explained.
But still, it was a good movie. Some Miyazaki fans have been whining about the drop in standard but I beg to differ.
I'm gonna go read the novel by Diana Wynne Jones.