Haven't been blogging for a while.
When it's the holidays, my brain takes a break as well so I don't blog.
Anyway I've been eating myself silly for the CNY.
Pineapple tarts, Bah Kwa... just to name a few.
And every relatives' house I go, they offer us so much food! *stares at tummy*
Phew, I must say that this year I didn't meet too many kaypoh relatives that dish out questions that make me roll my eyes.
And it's just another Valentine's Day.
Went out with Mum to PS today and saw truckloads of couples around.
All the girls had this smug look on their face while proudly holding their prized flowers.
I kept complaining about it to Mum and well being the usual her she just speculated that I'm being bitter about it.
Humph, so what if I don't get flowers? So what if I don't have a boyfriend? Like it matters?
It's just gross how we have to specially set aside a day to celebrate love.
Love is all around, so if there's no V-day then no celebration for love? What crap.
And why does everyone have to think V-day is just about coupley love? It's just LOVE and love means all kinds of love.
Maybe someone should suggest to have a family love day, coupley love day, friends love day, pets love day or whatsoever so there wouldn't be any misconceptions. *rolls eyes*