Yeah jane reminded me.
I just ain't good at dealing with all the concern over my recent dengue.
I would love to say my thanks and am really grateful about all the concern but something just holds me back. Darn my screwed up personality.
And yeah, I'm ok now.
THANK YOU, everyone. It felt really good to know people care.
Sometimes you just need moments like these to prove to you something you already know. That's just how humans work yeah.
Found this quote while random surfing for Johnny Depp's movies.
"I love the sky. It's so limitless."
"It is big. It's very big."
"Big doesn't even sum it up, right? That word big is so small."
I like it. Words can never express everything.
It's an excerpt from the movie "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"(1993)
I had forgotten what the plot's really about but I could still vividly remember Leonardo Dicaprio's brilliant acting.
Leo fans, you gotta catch this show!