Sighs. Bored and rotting at home when I should be enjoying whatever time I have left before school starts.
Nobody ever seems to be around though.
Anyway just received my results in paper form today.
I forgot to mention about it the other time.
I feel happy about my results and yet I shouldn't be.
Sounds confusing?
Ah well, it's a really horrible CAP score for the high achievers because I just scrapped through on the dot.
But I'm really happy that I passed cos the exam period was so shitty.
And whenever anyone asks about my CAP score, they must be thinking I'm a crazy freak.
How can anyone sound so happy with a measly score of 2.0?
BUT I'm really happy though my hope for honours is dashed.
Unless I get 5.0 every semester thereon. Wahahaha, which is a big joke.
So I decided to take all the modules that I have interest in.
Heck about being wise taking something you can score in even though you don't like it. What's the point when you won't have the motivation to study?
AND the stupid bidding system had to come spoil it for me.
I didn't believe my eyes when the numerals displayed on the "Vacancies" slot under GEK 1045 - Intro to World Religions was 5!
And even more when I saw the numbers 1231 under "Next lowest minimum bid".
WTF. I only have 700+ points to spare.
So naturally I would retract my bid and drop something I can't get.
And guess what? The stupid department had to email me, which I checked after bidding ended and after I got the other module, that they had added more vacancies.
Freaking assholes.
All in all, CORS sucks.
How can they expect us to bid when they only offer 5 vacancies as a cross faculty module? And yeah to think they still encourage us to take cross fac, blah.
Hypocritical pigs.
Whoever came up with CORS, may you die a terrible death. PUI.