Happy Birthday, Mummy!
I've been getting throbbing headaches every night.
I dunno what's the cause but I keep linking it back to the accursed dengue.
It's frightening how a small insect can do so much damage to your body. *shudders*
CNY's coming but I don't feel excited at all.
Besides getting 3 days of holidays(which is the only good), we have to fret about new clothes, worrying about whether you remembered all your relatives, trying hard to make small talk with them and then having to accomodate their stupid comments like "Wow! You've grown so big liao!" and "You're in University already? I thought you were still in Junior College." which makes them sound like they have amnesia every year. *rolls eyes*
Though I would feel much richer during that period, but come to think of it, ain't all the money given to us what our parents give other children too? It's something like equal trade.
Nothing's special anymore.
Just like how Christmas was so magical to me in the past but now it's just too commercialised.
Everything's getting so commercialised nowadays.
Even Jay. Sighs I wish I could be in KL now and relieve his Incomparable magic.
Dorothy Gale, lend me your ruby slippers please?