Now for my mega post.
The last time I stopped, I was in the midst of the last exam and terribly sick.
And 27th November was the most exciting night of the year.
After 20 months of absence, I finally got to see Jay in the flesh!
So many people asked me how was it after that.
And what do you expect me to answer? The feeling isn't something that can be expressed in words and besides I've run out of superlatives to describe it.
When I first got into the stadium, my heart sank. Because I'm seated at the East and the front of the stage is the West, which meant that the highlight of the show would probably be the sashaying of Jay's butt.
BUT, when the show started at 8.45PM, all was forgotten.
The atmosphere was so contagious, almost everyone was waving lightsticks, screaming, singing along.
And Jay sounds so good live, and this time he interacted a lot more with the audience.
AND Jay smiled and waved at me! YAY!
Ok, my seats turned out to be good afterall cos Jay jumped closer to the people seated on the 4 corners and he was just like about 1m away! And he looked at me!!
The first time ever, i think, Jay showed off his drumming skills in public and he showed it to us! *ecstatic*
OMG he also beat boxed, played the flute, piano and danced.
Golly golly, just realised I'm still not in the right mood to write a proper afterthought of the concert.
My love for Jay didn't revive, it increased a few notches.
Jay ah, when you coming back? Pls don't come, as you said, 2 years later.
My withdrawal symptoms are draining me and preventing me from going Cambodia with the right mentality.
Speaking of Cambodia, yeah I'm gonna be away from 5 - 25 Dec.
Will miss Singapore terribly. Actually I'm starting to rethink my decision in going there. I just hope everything turns out well.
Leave you guys with downloads of Jay audio.
**Caution: Lots of screaming.**
01 Yi Fu Zhi Ming
02 Zhi Zhang Zhi Shang
03 Ta De Jie Mao
04 Ni Ting De Dao
05 Ti Tian + Ba Wo Hui Lai Le + Flute
06 Yuan You Hui
07 Jiang Jun
08 Luan Wu Chun Qiu + Beatboxing
09 Hui Dao Guo Qu
10 Zui Hou De Zhan Yi
11 Dialogue + Xing Qing
12 Ai Wo Bie Zou
13 Jie Kou
14 Xiao Shi Hou
15 Qing Tian
16 Long Juan Feng
17 Ge Qian
18 Piano Duet With NQMM Yu Hao
19 Dialogue + An Jing
20 Hong Dou
21 Zu Wo Sheng Ri Kuai Le
22 Shuang Dao Part 1 | 22 Shuang Dao Part 2
23 Long Quan
24 Hei Se You Mo
25 Jian Dan Ai
26 Dong Feng Puo
27 Ye Ye Pao De Cha
28 Encore Cheering + Kai Bu Liao Kou Part 1 | 28 Encore Cheering + Kai Bu Liao Kou Part 2
29 Qi Li Xiang