Really need to blog to release my pent up feelings.
I dunno what's the problem with me.
If I were to tell my friends, esp those in Uni, that I have yet to study a single thing in my damn pile of notes even though my exams are 2 days away, NOBOBY would believe me.
They would say, "I'm sure you started a little right?" or "Don't bluff lah."
I like to lie about my feelings, my secrets but I do not lie about school work.
Like what good would it do? Make myself feel like a genius when I'm about to fail?
How come nobody wants to believe?
Just because you guys are not like that doesn't mean that I'm like you.
I can tell you this: I Hate University Life.
Notice that I don't say studying because I will even like it if I'm pursuing something I like.
And why don't I study something I like then?
Sometimes, choices are not laid out for everyone. Sometimes, one has to decide not to be selfish. That is why.
And you know, having to muster the correct mentality to start studying is truly a very hard ordeal.
Yeah I took 12 days to conjure up a half-hearted studying attitude.
With what time I have left, I'll just sprint ahead.
Hopefully that is sufficient to scrape through and allow me to continue on to the next semester.
Awaiting 27 Nov...
PS: Hmmm the layout totally spoils for this entry's mood.